I'm wondering what solution(s) folks have arrived ...
# general
I'm wondering what solution(s) folks have arrived at for needing to run a
against the source code and modify the filesystem in-place. Specifically, I need to be able to run
management commands like
./pants run manage.py -- makemigrations
that writes out migrations files. I'm thinking the answer is that if I need to run side-effecting code like that that i need to do it via a pants plugin like other codegen tools?
Good question! Generally, I believe
./pants run
should work for mutating the build root - we do that in pantsbuild/pants, e.g. our
script But for the sake of Django itself, @happy-kitchen-89482 has been working on creating an example Django repo and he is recommending running
directly, at least for now. I don't yet totally understand why he came to this recommendation, but see https://github.com/pantsbuild/example-django/pull/2#discussion_r635578267 and I think a script to ensure things work properly
Following this. We currently run
in a super hacky way.
./pants run
 runs in a tmpdir under the chroot containing a copy of the relevant code. So  
 will create the migrations files under the tmpdir, which is not helpful...
./pants run
is allowed to mutate the repo, it's just that it can't do it in the right place.
A possible general-purpose solution is to optionally allow
./pants run
to run against your actual sources. It breaks hermeticity, but for`./pants run` that is probably fine. It would allow
to work as well.
A possible general-purpose solution is to optionally allow ./pants run to run against your actual sources.
The major complication I see there is codegen (including
) - we don't want to put those files in the actual build root. How was this achieved in v1? My first thought was "set the PYTHONPATH appropriately", but that doesn't work with
for example
@happy-kitchen-89482 would it be possible to have
discover newly created files in the tempdir and copy them back into the source tree? Right now we basically do that manually.
🤔 1
Hm, relevant: the tempdir approach already fails pretty badly with opening up loose files: https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/issues/11109