What's the consensus on monorepoing microrepos int...
# general
What's the consensus on monorepoing microrepos into one repo ✖️ Drop the commit history ✔️ Keep the commit history ?
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Feels like a lot of faffing about for the occasional
git blame
Occasional? I pull up git logs and gitk many times every day. commit messages can provide context around why things changed. Spelunking across a boundary (from the monorepo back to the archived microrepo) is a lot harder.
I agree git history is invaluable In pantsbuild/pants, we like using squash merges to make our git history more useful. PRs become the atomic change, rather than how many commits it took for a PR to land (e.g.
fix lint
commits). If a PR is too big, we split it up
Is there an easy way to do it, because there's 50 different google results, all from 5+ years ago, and doing all of them 60+ times isn't overly appealing
Is there an easy way to do it,
What does
mean here: easy way to squash merge?
merge 60+ repositories, into one, each under a separate directory, and preserve history
should give you the quick & powerful tools to get it done. https://github.com/newren/git-filter-repo/ I've used it before and quite like it. It's much nicer than dealing with
as you script it in python (which is much easier than some of the contortions you have to do in a shell script with filter-branch). This looks like a semi-decent and recent tutorial: https://dev.to/itminds/how-to-split-and-merge-multiple-git-repositories-and-keep-the-history-2938
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git subtrees might work. not as 'clean' but 🤷‍♂️ doesn't need any additional tools