hmmm is there a way to specify that some dependenc...
# general
hmmm is there a way to specify that some dependencies shouldn’t regularly be inferred? I would kind of not like to include everything that is being used for type checking
Hey Nate! The only ways I know how to do this are: 1. Exclude via
at each call site. Ack that's tedious 2. Intentionally introduce a new thing that results in ambiguity. Like, add a second version of the third-party dependency so that it's ambiguous and you have to explicitly opt-in to including the dep. But that is also kind of tedious and will result in lots of warnings about ambiguity, which you may want to avoid I'm wondering more about your motivation - how come you don't want some things included?
ah how precisely do i exclude via
at each call site? The context here is that we have a class that has attributes with types if imported eventually pull in the entire code base. But those attributes are never set or accessed in that file they are just declared so mypy doesn’t yell at us later
ah thank you
❤️ 1
oh to do this for an individual file I would need individual targets for each dependent file?
Dependency inference defaults to "file dependencies". Meaning, if you have a single target in a BUILD file with N files in its
, Pants creates a target per file for you automatically Run
./pants dependencies path/to/
, and you should see a file like
. Copy that and put it with
in the prefix in the
for the call site target. Does that make sense?
yeah I think so! thanks!
❤️ 1