We're working on outreach in communities where fut...
# general
We're working on outreach in communities where future Pants fans hang out. You can help us to identify where to find people who share your interests and concerns. What are your favorite-- • podcasts • websites • subreddits • meetups • conferences • newsletters • forums/Slacks/Discords • etc Technical ones of course, but also non-technical ones are welcome. Thanks for helping grow the Pants community and spread developer joy!
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i don’t listen to many podcasts, but https://signalsandthreads.com/ is really interesting
also, visit reddit.com/r/rust fairly religiously
and device-follow
on twitter
I used to subscribe to Inside Dev, which is a daily newsletter. It's awesome! But I unsubcribed because of a general purge of things filling up my inbox I also love This Week in Rust(weekly), Python Weekly, and Haskell Weekly has interesting stuff
Podcasts I listen to: RealPython Podcast.init Any of the Changelog group's podcasts Software Engineering Radio Thoughtworks Technology Podcast I read hacker news pretty frequently.
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