Hey all. :wave: I am working with pants `1.26.0` ...
# general
Hey all. 👋 I am working with pants
  (from the olden days) and I am trying to bump the thrift version that 👖 is using to thrift
based on this security tickethttps://www.cvedetails.com/cve/CVE-2019-0205/ It looks like pants support thrift in its https://binaries.pantsbuild.org/ endpoint up to thrift 
 but not greater than that version  . Does anyone have any context around how/if you can include other paths for pants to download thrift binaries like http://archive.apache.org/dist/thrift/0.13.0/? Thanks y'all 🙏 ERROR:
Copy code
Invalidated 1 target.18:57:34 [INFO] Attempting to fetch thrift binary from: <https://binaries.pantsbuild.org/bin/thrift/mac/10.13/0.12.0/thrift> ...
18:57:35 [INFO] Attempting to fetch thrift binary from: /Users/eraines/dev/data-airflow-java/build-support/bin/thrift/mac/10.13/0.12.0/thrift ...

11:57:34 00:05       [execute]
FAILURE: ("Error resolving binary request BinaryRequest(supportdir='bin/thrift', version='0.12.0', name='thrift', platform_dependent=True, external_url_generator=None, archiver=None): Failed to fetch thrift binary from any source: (Failed to fetch binary from <https://binaries.pantsbuild.org/bin/thrift/mac/10.13/0.12.0/thrift>: Fetch of <https://binaries.pantsbuild.org/bin/thrift/mac/10.13/0.12.0/thrift> failed with status code 404, Failed to fetch binary from /Users/eraines/dev/data-airflow-java/build-support/bin/thrift/mac/10.13/0.12.0/thrift: Problem reading data from /Users/eraines/dev/data-airflow-java/build-support/bin/thrift/mac/10.13/0.12.0/thrift: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/Users/eraines/dev/data-airflow-java/build-support/bin/thrift/mac/10.13/0.12.0/thrift')", BinaryNotFound("Failed to fetch thrift binary from any source: (Failed to fetch binary from <https://binaries.pantsbuild.org/bin/thrift/mac/10.13/0.12.0/thrift>: Fetch of <https://binaries.pantsbuild.org/bin/thrift/mac/10.13/0.12.0/thrift> failed with status code 404, Failed to fetch binary from /Users/eraines/dev/data-airflow-java/build-support/bin/thrift/mac/10.13/0.12.0/thrift: Problem reading data from /Users/eraines/dev/data-airflow-java/build-support/bin/thrift/mac/10.13/0.12.0/thrift: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/Users/eraines/dev/data-airflow-java/build-support/bin/thrift/mac/10.13/0.12.0/thrift')"))
You can include other URLs with the
global option. See here under advanced options: https://v1.pantsbuild.org/options_reference.html#option_reference You can set the version with `--thrift-version`: Search under subsystem options here: https://v1.pantsbuild.org/options_reference.html#option_reference I'll see about adding an
though to the standard location...
Thanks! It would be great if we could get.
added to the normal location but if that doesn't work I will just add the apache link to the
The apache link won't do it. The link must be to statically compiled binaries, 1 for Linux, 1 for Mac.
@brash-helmet-62286 tracking here: https://github.com/pantsbuild/binaries/issues/99 Its taking a long time to even clone this repo. I had long since removed it from my machine. Do you have any objection to just skipping up to thirft 0.15? I have not read changelogs yet to see if this is safe. I'm not sure how semver strict the thrift project is.
Thanks so much @enough-analyst-54434. I don't have any problems with jumping to 0.15. I am just worried that it might not be semver safe so I was trying to move to the lowest version possible while still meeting the security standards.
Ok. I'll stick to 0.13 to start. I'll include you on the review so if you want to do this later for higher, you know how.
🙇 1
@brash-helmet-62286 not sure of your github id, but here's the review: https://github.com/pantsbuild/binaries/pull/101 N.B. I have a spare intel mac I used for this - no arm; so if you need arm support we'll have to loop in other people.
Alrighty, thrift 0.13.0, 0.14.2 and 0.15.0 binaries for macOS 10.12 -> 12.0 and Linux are synced to S3. You should be good to go @brash-helmet-62286 once you configure
[thrift] version
to 0.13.0, 0.14.2 or 0.15.0.
Awesome thanks so much @enough-analyst-54434!