`./pants --loop test check fmt lint` is amazing. t...
# general
./pants --loop test check fmt lint
is amazing. thank you.
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You can even add a CLI alias to shorten that invocation, say by setting
green = "test check fmt lint"
This reminds me, any suggestions for where we should document CLI aliases? cc @curved-television-6568
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Looking now, and the first thing that hits me is, that I think the topics under ā€œUsing Pants / Key conceptsā€ are so essential, that it almost would be better to move them up one level (as now, you donā€™t see them unless you unfold the ā€œKey conceptsā€ section in the nav menu.
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I for one, have overlooked that there is a page dedicated to list all available backends, which is great.
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But I think cli aliases fits under the ā€œUsing Pantsā€ chapter.
Ohh maybe have a "Key Concepts" section! And then we can nest "Using Pants" like we did with "Getting Started". What do you think @happy-kitchen-89482?
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I think I like that.
(The general tension we have is that the left nav bar is too crowded)
I see (also, the nav is almost useless on mobile..) As you canā€™t navigate to the ā€œoverviewā€ pages, as theyā€™re all the same on mobileā€¦
yeah nav on mobile is so long also, it's horrible
Yeah, but if it worked, it would still at least be usable šŸ˜‰
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With more languages, the nav is only going to get biggerā€¦ perhaps we need to find a way to partition it, so you donā€™t have to see the whole thing all the time..
That's what the folders/sections are supposed to be for. Like I really like how Python is only 3 top-level pages. (Even if I hate how it renders on mobile)
Thatā€™s a good example actually.. and if more sections where like that, it would be easier to spot which were available, and force you to unfold the ones you care aboutā€¦
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In that sense, Key concepts are correct (or could be promoted entirely..?) but the other sub sections of ā€œUsing pantsā€ should find a small set of categories to be grouped under..
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I think my proposal is: ā€¢ New "Key concepts" section (chapter), but still keep it nested into a folder. Like the Getting Started section ā€¢ Nest "Using Pants" into a folder, like Getting Started ā€¢ Maybe rename "Using Pants"?
but I'll leave @happy-kitchen-89482 to do what he sees fit. He's been doing structural reorganization of docs, I've been focused on refreshing the content
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Thereā€™s probably, something like: ā€¢ Configuration ā€¢ Execution ā€¢ Troubleshooting To get started..
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Maybe rename ā€œUsing Pantsā€?
Yeah, as everything in the docs is about using pants, one way or another (except a few topics under ā€œIntroductionā€ perhaps..)
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I wanted to call it "Advanced Usage", but it's really not! Things like resources are an important idea. Yet also not as "Key"/foundational as the "Key Concepts" section.. It's more like "Generic features you are likely to need regardless of which languages you use"
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or ā€œThe Basicsā€ šŸ˜‰
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Something like that! I view it as: ā€¢ Key concepts -> you really really will benefit from reading this, regardless of who you are ā€¢ "the basics" -> you can probably get away with not reading this start-to-finish and it's fine to read ad-hoc. You will likely need to see these pages eventually tho
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One thing I will add. the output from
./pants test fmt lint check
is can be quite spammy and often I find it hard to work out what commands output starts where.
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What would make it better? A separator of some kind between the tools?
yeah, maybe. or maybe just between the goals
also, another thing i've noticed today.
'consumes' the pantsd 'slot' or whatever you call it. (same with
pants run //dev/server/
) so everything else you run needs
which I can't tell if it shouldn't be the case, or I just need to configure it myself.
yeah, that's a highly requested feature: https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/issues/7654. We've been chipping away at it! I agree it's important
šŸ‘Œ nice