I know this is quite new but will pants be looking...
# general
I know this is quite new but will pants be looking into using
Yes we would love to! See https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/issues/7369. Stu tried migrating last year but we ran into some roadblocks. PyOxidizer has made a lot of progress such that we think it may be feasible now
Are you asking about using PyOxidizer for Pants itself, or for your own code?
I was asking for pants. Thanks for the update
Just to clarify this would mean I can use pyoxidizer instead of say PEX, if i would like?
Oh not quite, the ticket I linked to tracks using PyOxidizer to ship Pants itself But that would be really neat to add a
target. Feel free to open a GitHub issue feature request 🙂
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