Hi all, I'm testing out `pants` and ran into with ...
# general
Hi all, I'm testing out
and ran into with an interesting failure case with installing a 3rd party dependency (avro-python3==1.10.0). Short version: using
ca_certs_path + indexes.add
for a company pypi repo caused installation of the setup_requires dependencies to fail. After commenting out those options in
the installation would succeed. All other dependencies (including private ones) succeed fine with the ca_certs_path + indexes.add.
pip install 'avro-python3==1.10.0'
works fine either way. Details: thanks to running with
(wish that was on the troubleshooting page!) found the following error:
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OSError: Could not find a suitable TLS CA certificate bundle, invalid path: cert.pem
Given I provided a full path for
I'm wondering what could be stripping off the rest?
We ❤️ improvements to the docs. There’s a “suggest edits” button on each page. Feel free to add to the troubleshooting page there 🙂
💯 1
Thanks, just did so. I might be blind but I could not see any way to preview the changes, so hope it looks ok. 🙂
👍 1
I think I see how this error is occurring. If I understand correctly, these lines are replacing the cert path with a local file in the working directory for the pex build process. https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/blob/release_2.9.0.dev3/src/python/pants/backend/python/util_rules/pex_cli.py#L130-L138 So when pants calls pex I see
--cert cert.pem
in the options. All well and good. But then when pex-vendored setuptools installs setup_requires dependencies I believe that occurs in another temporary directory, one without the relative cert.pem, and so fails to find it during the install.
ping @enough-analyst-54434 might have good insight here..
Sounds like @best-florist-45041 is a good debugger. Pants has a bug in exactly the way he describes. @best-florist-45041 you can tie a bow on your gift by editing
to make the path absolute and then running it.
... to verify that will actually fix things.
This will be interesting to fix for real if the
experiment works. Its fundamentally hard right now to specify an absolute path in Pants sandbox process executions without introducing wrapper scripts which greatly complicates the implementation. We may need to support some controlled form of process argument env var interpolation so that we can say things like `argv=[..., "$PWD/cert.pem", ...]`and avoid the tricky wrappers.
Thanks, but where is this
located? The one in the tmp dir created?
It's changed recently, but hopefully this works for your Pants version:
sorry, which tmp dir again. In this output I would guess /private/var/folders/h_/y0km0n8d3x77lxb7932_6lmm0000gn/T/process-executionZ9CdEV/.tmp but that is empty
Copy code
pid 77344 -> /Users/alexandervr/.cache/pants/named_caches/pex_root/venvs/f4fe22a38ad1716580d169deb527663c98f3b86d/571cba2af0d433b83b5f820563460668bf7bc7b8/pex --disable-pip-version-check --no-python-version-warning --exists-action a --isolated -q --cache-dir /Users/alexandervr/.cache/pants/named_caches/pex_root --log /private/var/folders/h_/y0km0n8d3x77lxb7932_6lmm0000gn/T/process-executionZ9CdEV/.tmp/tmp6oq_i19z/pip.log download --dest /private/var/folders/h_/y0km0n8d3x77lxb7932_6lmm0000gn/T/process-executionZ9CdEV/.tmp/tmp3_74ez1u/Users.alexandervr..asdf.installs.python.3.9.8.bin.python3.9 avro-python3==1.10.0
If you re-run the pants command with both
and `--no-process-execution-local-cache`the sandbox to inspect should be the very last one printed out since Pants should fail trying to run that sandbox.
The last log line matching "Preserving local process execution dir".
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Preserving local process execution dir /private/var/folders/h_/y0km0n8d3x77lxb7932_6lmm0000gn/T/process-executionyPxlO2 for "Building requirements.pex with 1 requirement: avro-python3==1.10.0"
edited that cert.pem to be absolute and reran with those two options again but no dice
Ok, so that's not the problem then.
This rings a Pip bug bell. Can you try running the pip command directly with the absolute cert path? The pip command is the one you snipped above with the
pid 77344 -> ...
You'd want to look for a line like that bug though:
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... Could not fetch URL <https://il-app-61/repository/pypi_group/simple/setuptools/>: There was a problem confirming the ssl certificate: ...
From my reading of that bug and your report, the nail in the coffin would be if the problematic dependency in fact uses a PEP-517 build (pyproject.toml).
Ah - its a pure sdist and I think pip does use pep-517 by default even if not explicit in this case. So one workaround would be to pre-build a wheel for that and host the wheel internally.
(even though the command you snip above is a pip downloadand the issue is pip install, download still needs to run a build (
python setup.py egg_info
to get metadata in Requires-Python and Requires-Dist to continue the resolve).
running that command with additional --cert still fails, but wondering if env var takes precedence to the option
oh wait nvm there is no env var
I forgot about this, but there actually is, internally Pex does this: https://github.com/pantsbuild/pex/blob/7ff27a66cd0a8e6ae848dd1a329732163f77da8e/pex/pip.py#L147-L151
and running with -vvvv shows different errors, e.g.
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pex'
Ok. Well, the best debug would be to just translate the command line directly to pip and try that. There should be very little translation. I think just the 1st argument where you
s|<path to>/pex|pip|
You'd want to try all 3 permutations of passing pip
, using
instead and using
PIP_CERT=... pip ...
so replacing the pex binary with just
runs fine, but I don't need the --cert option given my path
err, .config/pip/pip.conf
2 things then to try: 1. pip --version 2. disable pip.conf, Pex does this by passing
Thanks for the debug data - this is helpful.
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pip --version
pip 21.2.4 from /Users/alexandervr/.asdf/installs/python/3.9.8/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pip (python 3.9)
Ok, Pex uses a vendored copy of 20.3.4 so two paths to debug. Try
and the 3 combos with pip 20.3.4 instead. Then try 21.2.4 with said same 3 combos.
ah it already has the
flag. Running
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pip --disable-pip-version-check --no-python-version-warning --exists-action a --isolated -q --cache-dir /Users/alexandervr/.cache/pants/named_caches/pex_root --log /private/var/folders/h_/y0km0n8d3x77lxb7932_6lmm0000gn/T/process-executionyPxlO2/.tmp/tmpzv7z441t/pip.log download --dest /private/var/folders/h_/y0km0n8d3x77lxb7932_6lmm0000gn/T/process-executionyPxlO2/.tmp/tmp4leuaqum/Users.alexandervr..asdf.installs.python.3.9.8.bin.python3.9 'avro-python3==1.10.0' --index-url <https://pypi.org/simple/> --extra-index-url https://<<omitted>>
Ok. If any of the 3 pip 20.3.4 permutations work, obviously that's our fix. If not, its time to hunt down the bugfix 21.2.4 has over 20.3.4 and see if that can be patched in to our vendored copy.
So this last command is doing
pip download
pip install
downloading works fine, since it's not yet hitting the setup_requires
Aha. Your snip here: https://pantsbuild.slack.com/archives/C046T6T9U/p1639516479189300?thread_ts=1639465673.165700&amp;cid=C046T6T9U had download so I assumed that was where you were hitting the error.
that's the last thing in the logs
perhaps a red herring
ah with the pex-verbosity=9 I see
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/Users/alexandervr/.cache/pants/named_caches/pex_root/venvs/s/6551319a/venv/bin/python3.9', '-m', 'pip', '--disable-pip-version-check', 'wheel', '--no-deps', '-w', '/private/var/folders/h_/y0km0n8d3x77lxb7932_6lmm0000gn/T/process-executionUcA5s5/.tmp/tmp2gg1758p', '--quiet', 'pycodestyle'
Then that's where it's failing. In download. It may not be obvious, but to download, pip has to do a resolve. That requires metadata to know install_requires and that requires setup_requires to run
python setup.py egg_info
to get that dependency metadatat out of an sdist.
Aha, ok.
pycodestyle being one the setup_requires deps
Is that the full commend line? no
that's in the logs without --isolated
That can only happen if you pass Pex --client-cert. I don't think Pants does that though...
That must be pip calling itself.
I think I understand what you mean about
pip download
being the cause here
would it help to see a whole stacktrace?
So this is pointing to a bug being fixed in pip etween 20.3.4 and 21.2.4. This has been a bit messy though and I've lost track. Can you confirm the 2x2 matrix of [20.3.4, 21.2.4] x [--cert abspath, REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE=abspath] for
pip wheel ...
for clarity, just in a separate venv right? I haven't gotten any of the cmds to fail outside of running pants
except for calling the
full command but there it failed due to not having pex
Yes, in a seperate venv. Passing
in all 4 commands is critical for the repro as well.
so like this?
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pip wheel --isolated 'avro-python3==1.10.0' --no-cache --cert /opt/homebrew/etc/openssl@1.1/cert.pem
Yes, once for each version of pip.
Then if both work, we're done. If old pip fails, please try the env var.
success after
Copy code
pip install 'pip==20.3.4' 'setuptools==57.5.0' 'wheel==0.37.0'
oh wait
Missing the --index args
lol right
still works with both --index and --extra-index-url
For old pip? and abs path to cert? Can you paste the working command line with redactions if so?
And also if so, can you re-try the same command line but with the relative path to the cert to emulate the current Pants setup?
These three all work:
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pip wheel --isolated 'avro-python3==1.10.0' --no-cache --cert /opt/homebrew/etc/openssl@1.1/cert.pem --index=<https://pypi.org/simple/> --extra-index-url=https://<redacted>

REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE=/opt/homebrew/etc/openssl@1.1/cert.pem pip wheel --isolated 'avro-python3==1.10.0' --no-cache  --index=<https://pypi.org/simple/> --extra-index-url=https://

pip wheel --isolated 'avro-python3==1.10.0' --no-cache  --index=<https://pypi.org/simple/> --extra-index-url=https://
with results:
Copy code
Successfully built avro-python3
WARNING: You are using pip version 20.3.4; however, version 21.3.1 is available.
even if I put in an invalid cert path it works ??
Yeah, so we are still missing some piece of the repro puzzle.
What is your relevant redacted pants.toml for
is it
I think your verbose snips from above implied
since they had both IIRC.
I'm going to need to disappear here in ~10 minutes. You may want to gather up all the pertinent details in an issue. I do want to re-highlight that if this is the only problematic dist, pre-building its wheel and placing that in your custom index should work around.
also I unset my REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE and .config/pip/pip.conf and finally got to where passing the wrong cert file would error. So something is not so isolated with
big thanks for the deep dive, I'll try a few more things and report back
hah, finally got the repro!
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REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE=cert.pem pip wheel --isolated 'avro-python3==1.10.0' --no-cache  --index=<https://pypi.org/simple/> --extra-index-url=https://
fails on setup_requires install
need to use relative path in the directory
that contains cert.pem
and it works on pip==21.2.4 fails with slightly different error
so it was the pip bug
Ok. So we currently have no workaround except for pre-building the wheel. Can you do that and does that make sense?
Thanks for hanging in there with me on the debugging!
not the best solution as would require building the wheel for at least the macos arm arch (local machine), but typically only CI-built packages go into our local artifactory
is there a way to specify a local wheel as a source in pants? And then have a script to build locally?
and this was a pretty interesting debugging session -- nice intro to the setuptools + pip internals
Ah, sorry. So your repro proves the issue is in fact the relative path issue?
If so we can fix that
yes, but only with env variable. Using
--cert cert.pem
is fine
REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE=cert.pem pip wheel ....
fails, but succeeds if given full path
Ok, so this can be fixed on our end. I'll file an issue later tonight. Probably best to fix in Pex.
great, thanks! And sorry we went down such a long hole. Reviewing above I should have caught that editing
had no effect. Because it appears that even with
--no-process-execution-local-cleanup --no-process-execution-local-cache
pants was using a new directory each time
yes, it appears that pants will reuse the same local cache only if the file is unchanged 😞
Ah, I meant for you to edit
and then run it yourself then and there. Pants doesn't actually use or generate that script normally. It's just for debugging and tinkering by hand in a saved sandbox.
Pants invokes the process directly from rust code normally.
oh 😞 crap, I did not see the comment:
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# This command line should execute the same process as pants did internally.
No worries. It's a miracle to get someone with the patience and mindset for a debugging partner. Thanks for digging and sticking with it.
Remote debugging by proxy is hard!
I want to set up a repro so this can be encapsulated in a failing test (Pex does this for --cert + --proxy using mitmproxy already so there is test infra for this sort of thing), but issue to follow along with is here: https://github.com/pantsbuild/pex/issues/1537
the following works nicely: Replace the
[GLOBAL] ca_certs_path
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env_vars.add = [
Ah, yes. Great. Thanks for figuring that workaround out.
Alright, proper fix up here: https://github.com/pantsbuild/pex/pull/1538 I'll try to get this incorporated n the Pants 2.9.0rc0 release tomorrow via a Pex 2.1.58 release.