Cache question: does `--no-local-cache` give me th...
# general
Cache question: does
give me the same effect as using the
decorator on my rules? (when not using remote execution)
Followup question. Is it only process executions that are cached between runs?
As I can’t seem to make sense of the various combinations of
as it seems to always run my rules every time, so there’s no inter-process caching. But it does memoize my rules, even if I use
.. which I would’ve expected it not to, I think…
(this is tinkering with embedded use of Pants, but I think this behaviour would match regular use too)
AAhh.. OK, I found that when using a new scheduler session,
is re-run then, but regular
is not. So the caching for rules is between sessions, where as all rules are always memoized for within a single session.
And none of this seems to be affected by the