Wondering - where do i find the plans for - arm do...
# general
Wondering - where do i find the plans for • arm docker buildx ? • rust builds - ideally kick off a cargo build 🙂
Hi Ramon, and welcome! The results of the yearly survey, that helps prioritise the work for the coming year are in. @happy-kitchen-89482 have written a blog post summarising it: https://blog.pantsbuild.org/the-2022-annual-community-survey-is-a-wrap-and-the-results-are-in/ Besides that, the best place to get up to speed for what’s on the radar, short term(-ish) is in GitHub, although I’m not sure how up-to-date the various projects are there..
And, of course a good source for the current “truth” is to ask here, as you’ve done 🙂 Expect more complete and accurate information from @happy-kitchen-89482 at al when they wake up later today.
• arm docker buildx ?
support is on my radar, but I’m not currently working on it. Also not for
rust builds - ideally kick off a cargo build
I’ve not heard of any one looking at rust support, yet.
What is the method pants uses / can use to have a arbitrary "thing" produce a dependency eg: • schema repo produces protobuf files • sub module/project(^) builds a binary (like cargo builds a binary today, or some bespoke "tool"
^ (target ? - I think the term is - I am still learning the Pants ecosystem)
👌 1
a separate question .. • versioning - is there a method to semver the
outputs separately • eg: a monorepo of micro-services. • we are currently using
(sv4git) in a polyrepo, which uses git tags ^^ ^^ i need to investigate how subtree with git works w.r.t. tagging and if that "fits" the Pants model
What is the method pants uses / can use to have a arbitrary "thing" produce a dependency
found plugins - reading
👍 1
we are currently using
(sv4git) in a polyrepo, which uses git tags
This would be https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/issues/14196
Hi Ramon, welcome to the community
Re Rust support - we don't have it yet, but we want to, partly because the Pants scheduling/execution engine is itself written in Rust, so we have self-interest here... 🙂 No timetable yet for when this might happen though
Re your other question: A monorepo of microservices is a common use-case for Pants. However we don't currently have any semver generation functionality. But that would be interesting to add. Would you be able to open a feature request for this at https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/issues/new/choose ? With some detail and maybe an example? That would be really helpful in assessing how to do this.
And yeah, plugin API is how all the intermediate and final build products get knitted together via dependencies. Pants's own built in rules use the same API as third-party plugins do, so the repo is full of examples.
The API is not fully stable yet, so the docs could use some love, but feel free to ask questions here any time!