has anyone had success adding `pdb` with `./pants ...
# general
has anyone had success adding
./pants check
? there are some mypy errors that i’d like to drop into pdb to see. Things I’ve tried that didn’t work: 1. adding
pdb = True
2. adding this in
Copy code
args = ["--pdb"]
I think I'd probably use
./pants --no-process-cleanup check --only=mypy ...
, then look for the logged sandbox dir and crack it open. There will be a
you can run to launch the process. That way you get rid of Pants-in-the-middle and can poke at the process itself
wow sounds rad, thanks I’ll try
is my favorite little feature. Allows for much debugging and hacking 🙂
👌 1
hmm, i didn’t see the logged sandbox dir though
Likely because pants cached the work. Add a newline or a comment to a file and try again 😉
added a line but still doesn’t show the sandbox dir 🤔 @hundreds-father-404 any thoughts?
Added a line and hit "save"? And your editor didn't strip it?
whats your command? are you seeing other INFO logs?
yeah it’s saved
Copy code
❯ ./pants --no-process-cleanup check --only=mypy foo/test.py
12:36:29.56 [ERROR] Completed: Typecheck using MyPy - mypy failed (exit code 1).
cbds/test.py:3:7: error: Module has no attribute "bar"  [attr-defined]
Found 1 error in 1 file (checked 1 source file)

✕ mypy failed.
Try adding a comment, just in case 😉
yeah i tried that before adding a line of code but it still doesn’t give a sandbox dir 😞
Thats very strange 😮 Are you filtering the log lines? Try also adding
./pants -linfo --no-process-cleanup
is the real nugget, compared to bazel (last i tried at least) where you had to go through asome steps to get a very complicated shell script to copy/paste and run as a oneliner — always questioned whether or not everything was right
(Plus the path to the executable thing in bazel was horrific)
blissfully forgot that part
😂 1
after debugging this via the sandbox dir, I couldn't get
to work even after eliminating Pants and Pex...
literally it did not do anything on a plain
command line
So now i'm confused...
I think it only works for exceptional cases?
Yes, I've introduced purposeful errors
Like a mypy crash
I know a few examples where you can crash mypy, but I'm on mobile. Check back in T-2 hours 🙈
Try: t = (1, 2, 3, 4) a, b, c = t
Oh I see
not for just typechecking errors
@ambitious-student-81104 are you trying to debug mypy crashes or typechecking errors ?
Mypy! The one resolves with correcting the source root. But I'd like to be able to pdb mypy too
Are you able to make
do what you want outside of Pants? So far I have not
Deliberately breaking code and running
mypy --pdb
on it doesn't have any effect that I can see
Copy code
t = [1, 2, 3, 4]
a, b, c = *t
Copy code
joshuacannon@CEPHANDRIUS:~/work/place$ mypy --strict --pdb foo.py
foo.py:2: error: Can use starred expression only as assignment target
foo.py:2: error: INTERNAL ERROR -- Please try using mypy master on GitHub:
If this issue continues with mypy master, please report a bug at <https://github.com/python/mypy/issues>
version: 0.980+dev.b0e59b29be239ce35cffcef20639709259ee48df
Dropping into pdb
> /home/joshuacannon/.local/pipx/venvs/mypy/lib/python3.8/site-packages/mypy/types.py(2316)accept()
-> assert isinstance(visitor, SyntheticTypeVisitor)
Copy code
$ echo -e "t = [1, 2, 3, 4]\na, b, c = *t" > src/python/pants/version2.py
$ ./pants --mypy-args="--pdb" check --only=mypy src/python/pants/version2.py
> /tmp/pants-sandbox-1waKR0/mypy/types.py(2289)accept()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "mypy/checker.py", line 431, in accept
  File "mypy/nodes.py", line 1165, in accept
  File "mypy/checker.py", line 2220, in visit_assignment_stmt
  File "mypy/checker.py", line 2279, in check_assignment
  File "mypy/checker.py", line 2871, in check_assignment_to_multiple_lvalues
  File "mypy/checker.py", line 2919, in check_multi_assignment
  File "mypy/checker.py", line 3104, in check_multi_assignment_from_iterable
  File "mypy/checker.py", line 3097, in type_is_iterable
  File "mypy/subtypes.py", line 97, in is_subtype
  File "mypy/subtypes.py", line 158, in _is_subtype
  File "mypy/types.py", line 2289, in accept

src/python/pants/version2.py:2: error: INTERNAL ERROR -- Please try using mypy master on GitHub:
Please report a bug at <https://github.com/python/mypy/issues>
version: 0.961
Dropping into pdb
src/python/pants/version2.py:2: : note: use --pdb to drop into pdb
So it'll drop into Pdb, but also exits for whatever reason (using both pantsd and
Huh, OK that works for me now
in the sandbox also works
(drops me into pdb)
Yeah, I think this would be tough to get working, we'd have to run mypy as in InteractiveProcess I think?
a la pytest debugging
maybe not "tough", but not nothing
Some refactoring might be needed to deal with the partitioning
Yeah, I'm not sure how much we should try to get this working. It is a bit of a fringe case, and
gets us closeish. The issue being
isn't unique and could be run in parallel.
Unless you mean we should try and detect the
flag? 🤔