I would like to work on a linter plugin that would...
# general
I would like to work on a linter plugin that would verify that dependencies between targets are allowed. For example, our domain layer shouldn't depend on the application layer. Another example, one micro-service should only depend on the contract of another micro-service but not the code. So the idea is to use some kind of wildcard on both sides of the rule. For example:
Copy code
dependency_rule("/modules/core/application/*", allowed=["/modules/core/domain/*"])
What would be the best matching utility within pants for that?
I think this has been discussed in two tickets, but I'm less sure of the result for today: https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/issues/15247 https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/pull/15803
Thanks. I think I have a different approach than 15247 that might work, but I might be wrong. Anyway, I will take a stab at it, an internal plugin at the moment. The visibility approach is interesting as well.
👍 1
This is one of our most requested features, so we'd love to see progress here 🙂
One idea is to leverage the existing "tags" mechanism (https://www.pantsbuild.org/docs/reference-target#codetagscode) - any target can be tagged with a list of strings, and you could have logic like "anything tagged with
must not depend on anything tagged with
Of course that requires adding tags all over the place...
But we've also been toying with the idea of inheriting metadata up the filesystem, so that you could set a default tag in some dir that would apply to all targets in any dir underneath it (unless explicitly overridden)
few thoughts: 1. I like the
feature, but I don't think it covers correctly the different contexts. For example, it make sense for the application layer (e.g
) to only be visible to the anything within
, but the contract layer (
) cannot and shouldn't know which other micro-services is allowed to consume it. That should be defined at the consumer level. 2. I think inheritance is important here, both for
and the linter solution. Otherwise to manage it one would have to repeat same configuration over a lot of BUILD files, which is error-prone. 3. I think both visibility field and a linter could cover both contexts.
4. For the linter, instead of inheritance I thought about defining the rules as wild-card to wild-card. The main part I'm missing is the mechanism in pants to retrieve list of targets out of a
@witty-crayon-22786 @happy-kitchen-89482 any idea how to get list of targets from wild card string
Is this string provided as the cmd line specs in the call to
, or is this a string that appears in a rule definition.
the later, yes.
@happy-kitchen-89482 @wide-midnight-78598 please checkout https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/pull/16446
👀 1