<https://2022.pycon.kr/en/program/talks/25> Here i...
# general
https://2022.pycon.kr/en/program/talks/25 Here is my talk intro about migration of Backend.AI to mono-repo using Pantsbuild in Korean, for PyCon KR. On Oct 15th, I will also give the same talk in English in PyCon JP.
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Thanks for sharing! How did the talk go?
This is so great
The talk is recorded as a video and will be livestreamed this weekend. After a while, it will be also available in PyCon KR's YouTube channel (though the talk will be in Korean)!
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It's exciting that you're introducing who regions to Pants that the team hasn't been able to reach out. Thank you. Please do let us know how we can support you with the upcoming talk or doing more in the future.
Would you also be interested in writing a case study about Backend.AI's use case, migration, and experiences to date?
Would you also be interested in writing a case study about Backend.AI's use case, migration, and experiences to date?
oh, if you're interested, those are super helpful for other organizations considering adopting Pants. such as the IBM blog https://developer.ibm.com/blogs/case-study-incrementally-migrating-a-python-monorepo-from-bazel-to-pants/
Yeah, I’m going to write up a blog article, but no ETA yet!
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Cool! I'm excited to see it whenever you're ready. Feel free to ping any of us if you'd like feedback on a draft or we otherwise can be useful.


The video is here!
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Woot woot!
I'd love to incorporate this into https://www.pantsbuild.org/docs/media#talks would you be willing to use the Suggest Edits button to put a suitable entry (in English and Korean) in there?
Wow, YouTube's algorithm for voice > captions > translated captions appears to have taken a leap forward recently. The English translation seems plausibly like it might be correct, instead of just blatant random gibberish. Nice.
Hey, I'm quite enjoying this already! It starts with a nice intro to why use build systems, when, concepts, etc. @rhythmic-morning-87313 Thank you for doing this kind of outreach! Conceptual education about build and CI topics is such a public service to the python community generally. With an interpreted language, people just don't automatically think "time for a build system" even when they've got needs that are begging for one. Is that what the "software engineering at Google" curve at the beginning was alluding to? The translation didn't do that point justice, I suspect.
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I'm going to improve the storyline in that part in the PyCon JP talk. (revising the slides while rewriting it in English) Keep eyes on!
Will do!
@rhythmic-morning-87313 it now says "Video unavailable - This video is private".


Did they move it?
Good luck with the Pycon Japan talk this weekend!! 🎀
I think they are finalizing some edits. I'll let you know when I get the link again. Sorry!


so, it will start after 15 min.
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Here’s a link with the timestamp set to the start of the talk:


This is awesome!
The KR video has a new link:


How was the audience reception? Did you get interesting questions?
(I just found that my speakerdeck decks were not publicized;; fixed it now)
yeah, there were couple of people who separately told me that this was the best talk in this pycon πŸ™‚ (well, maybe excluding talks given in japanese πŸ₯²)
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the questions included: can we use poetry or some other existing package managers "together" with pants? / how did you migrate the repositories without breaks and reconcile afterwards? / how did you make your team members to get used to the new approach?