i have a `pex_binary` (with `execution_mode="venv"...
# general
i have a
) thats running fine. but sometimes, without a code change it fails importing modules. if i delete all caches (
) it works again. sometimes multiple times, sometimes only a first time. tested versions: 2.14.0rc0, 2.14.0.rc2, 2.15.0.dev3 tested layouts: loose, packed, zippapp
😮 1
as you can see, the first run works. the second not
deployer is just a cli shortcut defined in pants.toml like so:
deployer = "run src/deployer:main --"
on the third run he is not able to find "typer". but typer gets imported on line 4. line 4 worked on the second run because he was unable to import hcloud 😄
may be a hint. the venv symlink seems to be broken
ok, if i run with "keep-sandboxes=always" and clear the cache every run is working. is this a bug?
ok, it only breaks if i use
but once switched to loose it keeps beeing broken until i delete all caches