FYI, for Pants 2.14, it appears that the `remote_a...
# general
FYI, for Pants 2.14, it appears that the
is not deprecated but is in fact now required to be removed. I'm running through the upgrade now on a bunch of repos
This is likely in the interaction with the toolchain pants plugin. The option is not deprecated, but the toolchain plugin now has a more integrated way of configuring itself making the use of this option obsolete. Could that be it?
Pants actually errors out
Copy code
10:33:53.92 [ERROR] remote auth plugin already provided via entry point of a plugin. `[GLOBAL].remote_auth_plugin` should not be specified in options.`
But yes, I believe that's the interaction in question
OK, I’m not familiar with this part of Pants, I believe for other options related to the toolchain plugin, you got a warning when you had this configuration with the recommendation to remove it. Not sure if it was for this one as well (and now it errors out rather than warn) Are you upgrading from pants 2.13?
are you also using the Toolchain plugin? I think it's only an error if >1 plugin provides the auth function
No you get this error with only the toolchain plugin as well..
This is an upgrade from pants 2.13.0. And yes we're using the Toolchain plugin
I think the error is is >1 plugin provides the auth function, which makes sense
I've removed the offending
line from my pants.toml, but I wanted to bring it up since I believe it was an unintentional breaking change, and something that I imagine will come up every so often with other people that upgrade to 2.14
I’ve observed this, with just the toolchain plugin and no other plugins, it errors out if that config is set in 2.14.
okay, that's definitely a bug. Thanks for reporting! would either of you mind please opening a ticket?
I can do that
❤️ 2