Hi! I have not used pants in a while and not sure ...
# general
Hi! I have not used pants in a while and not sure how to formulate the vocabulary exactly. I'm working with a managed service (AWS Managed Airflow) that expects me to upload some python files (conceptually a tarball) and a
file. I think I can gather my python files together by having pants make a tarball or sdist. But I'm not sure how to generate a
style file to go along with them. (I know about
/pants dependencies
but now how to make it output in requirements.txt style nor include it with the tarball/sdist)
Hi, interesting!
So a bit similar to a Lambda, but you bundle a requirements.txt instead of the actual resolved wheels
Yeah its a little quirky: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/mwaa/latest/userguide/working-dags-dependencies.html Looking at the requirements a little more, a followup is if there a pants equivalent to pip's constraints file (the docs site returns many different results for "constraints"): https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/user_guide/#constraints-files With the managed service, we are deploying into a system that looks like this already: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/apache/airflow/constraints-2.2.2/constraints-3.7.txt
I was reading that guide, it talks about uploading a requirements.txt to S3 and then pointing to it, but I couldn’t see any description of where your own python code goes, i.e., the tarball you mentioned
Oh, is this the “DAG” part?
Sorry I was trying to simply a bit, you upload the python files as individual S3 objects. Something like:
Copy code
aws s3 cp dag_def.py <s3://YOUR_S3_BUCKET_NAME/dags/>
If I had a tarball, unpackng it and uploading the .py files is trivial.
“Uploading DAG code to Amazon S3” ?
Aha, yep, got it
and that dag_def.py references code in requirements.txt?
CI today looks something like:
Copy code
- aws s3 cp modules/ s3://$S3_BUCKET/dags/modules/ --recursive
    - aws s3 cp custom_dags/ s3://$S3_BUCKET/dags/custom_dags/ --recursive
and that dag_def.py references code in requirements.txt?
Correct, the requirements file has
and then in the example dag_def.py code can
import pandas
And the requirements.txt goes to
it looks like
Instead of it doing a pip resolve for you every time
I think if I'm reading that section of the docs right it can install from a wheel in a zip file, but you still have to have a requirements.txt file to tell it what to install. eg in the example they still have
listed. It doesn't install
from the zipfile. That would be reasonable to glue together with a script. I don't suppose there is a pants goal that will give me a directory filled with wheels? ;-)
(Tangent: When I used pants previously it was in an environment where I could just uses PEXs for everything and it was really nice!)
Oh, I guess I can unzip the pex...
also has directory layouts, so not just tarballs)
Looking at the requirements a little more, a followup is if there a pants equivalent to pip's constraints file
https://www.pantsbuild.org/docs/python-third-party-dependencies#constraints-files I think I found the answer for that one.
I think that lets you point to a constraints file, but you want Pants to generate one?
It seems straightforward to write a plugin to generate this tarball and requirements and constraints
Pants has all the ingredients, just not the exact recipe for putting them together
❤️ 1
I think that lets you point to a constraints file, but you want Pants to generate one?
I think in this case the constraints are more a feature of the deploy environment -- kind of like tomcat in java-land -- and not something Pants need to infer or stitch together from multiple sources. Just having pants respect them would be enough.
Pants has all the ingredients, just not the exact recipe for putting them together
Yeah this feels really close! With either bash or a plugin. At least to start with bash, What is the least hacky goal for getting "all the transitive wheels needed by target X"? Is unzipping the PEX like I suggested actually the right path?
(the default) or
PEX contains the wheels in their installed, loose-file state
PEX contains the installed-state wheels zipped back up as
files, which you may be able to use for this, even though they are not identical to the pypi wheels (e.g., they contain an INSTALLED file)
So that is a bit hacky, but could work
🙏 1
I'm not sure I'm going to be able to get to this before the slack expiring history cliff. Would it be okay to excerpt some of this to the github discussions page?
Absolutely! That is a great idea