Hi everyone, I’m a pants noob. Based on the docume...
# general
Hi everyone, I’m a pants noob. Based on the documentation, and trying things out with Pants, it looks like I don’t need to install tools like pylint, black, mypy, etc in my Poetry pyproject.toml file section
because Pants will pull them in as necessary. Is this correct?
That is correct.
You opt in to those tools by specifying them in your
config (e.g., https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/blob/main/pants.toml#L6) and Pants will install them in, effectively, a hidden virtualenv, configure them (applying your custom config for each tool if you have any), and run them as needed.
Pants has config options for each tool, e.g., https://www.pantsbuild.org/docs/reference-black, that include the ability to run a different version of the tool than the default
Thanks @happy-kitchen-89482, I kind of thought that, but the links are very helpful to have!