How can I override the global `interpreter_constra...
# general
How can I override the global
? Globally I have
interpreter_constraints = ["==3.8.*", "==3.9.*"]
which pants refuse when `package`ing:
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SetupPyError: Expected a single interpreter constraint for libs/image_augmentation:kaiko-image-augmentation-dist, got: CPython==3.8.* OR CPython==3.9.*.
Makes sense, so setting this
in the top-level build file:
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        python_distribution: dict(interpreter_constraints=["==3.8.*"]),
I obtain
SetupPyError: Expected a single interpreter constraint for libs/image_ml:kaiko-image-ml-dist, got: CPython==3.8.* OR CPython==3.8.*,==3.9.*.
which looks weird to me, because it means the two fields are ORed, whereas I'm expecting
to override the value. At this point there's a nice hint saying to translate the conjunction using exclusions, so I changed the
above to
. Then it fails with:
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Expected a single interpreter constraint for libs/image_augmentation:kaiko-image-augmentation-dist, got: CPython!=3.9.*,==3.8.* OR CPython!=3.9.*,==3.9.*.
which looks like I'm almost there if pants was trimming unsatisfiable disjunctions 😉 What else can I do 🙏 ?
I haven't been following all of the interpreter discussions, but would:
👀 1
Yes it does ❤️ This is quite puzzling, since
["==3.8.*", "==3.9.*"]
are semantically equivalent.. But that's a whole different story without an arithmetic solver under the hood 😞
Is it worth I create an issue about this? It's a confusing behavior.
I think if it's confusing, there should be an issue - it might be doc-centric? But maybe there is a bug? I'm not going to claim to know. I'm still grokking how all the ICs interact
@lemon-oxygen-72498 the affordance for OR was added purely for Twitter internal needs back in the Pants v1 days. They never actually needed the feature and could've spelled what they needed with a range + `,!=X,!=Y,`etc. Unfortunately that is still lying around and is really legacy. Although this is certainly a bug, be warned - best to stay away from use of the OR facility. It is non-standard in the Python world and non-standard will always get you in the end.
👍 1
Basically all due to poor code review and poor understanding of the Python ecosystem and PEPs back in the day!
I see, well I blame no one, the ecosystem and list of PEPs can be hard to track 😄
But good to know, I will advise my client against OR. In particular because at first it seemed to me that it would help pants to use a disjunction, instead of a range (that pants has to desugar somehow).
Well, if anyone should be tracking its folks writing a build tool for the language! You're more forgiving than I.
Well tooling people are usually far from the frontline, so they look like they are not bringing money in to deciders. As a consequence tooling teams are regularly under staffed. Makes it tricky to ship a bulletproof thing.
(in my opinion at least 😄)
Also such logical expressions with arithmetic in there, that's super tricky to get right, and quite quickly undecidable. There are PhDs on these topics!
whereas I’m expecting
to override the value.
I’m not sure about what’s going on, only that
as such does override the value on
(try to verify what you get if you set the value explicitly on the target, I would expect the same outcome) Is it not that you have interpreter constraints from your global config on the
targets, and then the ICs from defaults on the
targets, and the interplay is how Pants treats them when they’re not aligned..?
try to verify what you get if you set the value explicitly on the target, I would expect the same outcome
Yes I had tried it and indeed I had the same outcome 👍
then the ICs from defaults on the
targets, and the interplay is how Pants treats them when they’re not aligned..?
Yes this is also my understanding in the end. The "bug" is that pants doesn't reduce the interpreter constraints as much as I expected it would, yielding a disjunction of two constraints, whereas it could yield a single constraint.