I recently found out about <https://cuelang.org/> ...
# general
I recently found out about https://cuelang.org/ and like it a lot. Planning on adding support for it in Pants. Now, my idea as a first primary use for cue is to make github actions more manageable. After toying with it locally (including writing a github action cue package) I found out it already exists, example use here: https://github.com/cue-lang/setup-cue/blob/main/workflows.cue implementation here: https://github.com/cue-lang/setup-cue/blob/main/cue.mod/pkg/json.schemastore.org/github/github-workflow.cue
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Is this something we’d potentially want to use also for the Pants workflows (as a replacement for the
helper script)?
I came across something similar during this holiday break: Nickel - I've only skimmed its docs, so I'm not sure how well it fits the use cases for GHA, but it has nice comparison tables / write-ups that include CUE https://github.com/tweag/nickel#comparison https://github.com/tweag/nickel/blob/master/RATIONALE.md
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