Hello! I am using pants export to <setup my IDE>. ...
# general
Hello! I am using pants export to setup my IDE. It does work, i.e. in /dist/export/python/virtualenvs/default/3.8.15/lib/python3.8/site-packages I can find everything I need. Is there any option to force the name of the folder 3.8.15 just to be 3.8?
Hmm, not today, but you're not the first to ask, for this exact reason. The exact interpreter is used in order to avoid conflicts, but then it does make it more annoying to point an IDE to.
Can you open a ticket for this?
we have resorted to writing a script to wrap this command and then symlinking the directory to a stable path
That versioned link was my idea, and it turns out a bad one. I will look into providing a stable name, or at least a symlink.
A ticket would be great to remind me 🙂