Hi, if I want to build a docker image that uses th...
# general
Hi, if I want to build a docker image that uses the lockfile for dependencies, is using the pex binary the only way? If I use built distributions (wheels, sdist), the specific locked dependencies wont be followed in the docker build.
If I use built distributions (wheels, sdist), the specific locked dependencies wont be followed in the docker build.
I don't follow this bit.
The PEX binary does in fact contain the installed versions of the subset of wheels and sdists applicable to the PEX entrypoint in the lockfile.
yea, I tried the pex mechanism, but upon execution i got missing installed dependencies. I’ll give it another go. Right now, I’m copying in sdist packages into the docker image and
pip install
ing, which doesn’t obey any version constraints.
So, where did you build the PEX and what command line args did you use? For the most obvious, if you build a PEX on a Mac and don't use --platform or --complete-platform args (or the Pants
field equivalents), you'll get a Mac PEX - it will never run on Linux.
You can run
zipinfo my.pex
to get a quick take on what is inside. Or
unzip -qc my.pex PEX-INFO | jq .
for a more concise summary. Either should make it somewhat clear to the eyeball what platforms the PEX will be compatible with.
@wonderful-boots-93625 can you share your
target, the base of the Docker image and the output of
unzip -qc my.pex PEX-INFO | jq .
Yup so definitely a platform thing I clearly don’t understand too well. I am on an M1 mac.
Copy code
where the
is a sdist PEX-INFO
Copy code
  "bootstrap_hash": "00f63393678d425a75e44dcc8b4450b9efa581b0",
  "build_properties": {
    "pex_version": "2.1.108"
  "code_hash": "969e4c40a854f5409021dce2a0d2c76fd3734026",
  "distributions": {
    "Flask-2.2.3-py3-none-any.whl": "7a0ed67f0c93cdb22b805e540d677c8cbeb89677ecc08d8dd975e35617ae6736",
    "Jinja2-3.1.2-py3-none-any.whl": "ee8bc6748d864a510e8298d9de49c5e41b75faed18b5649089a1a09295a6c8ef",
    "MarkupSafe-2.1.2-cp39-cp39-macosx_10_9_universal2.whl": "4596866d200e738c0e5dd211689c548ebecabfbe67f3ff794abc36da32cd3d11",
    "MarkupSafe-2.1.2-cp39-cp39-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl": "0474294d2f6f68d895eb163194e4e84cf44b7692c1974bd16fa8ca4cb2deed23",
    "PyJWT-2.6.0-py3-none-any.whl": "803818df6174700b6f66d6844605deb4b6e63e509134c908b86121754cb2969f",
    "PyYAML-6.0-cp39-cp39-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl": "1a08337aaa0f63f4f94da401c57ec31408221212f19a7a4e10b32aeb82179233",
    "PyYAML-6.0-cp39-cp39-macosx_11_0_arm64.whl": "e54244f0d511bf3413b517205880d0ae8131fa29c5e8fd91aeffbdc68312ea46",
    "SQLAlchemy-2.0.3-cp39-cp39-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl": "2eb45b1935cd46b2c133a9cb8d6d572a4903ed9d4d9b570b8fcafecbc192aff7",
    "SQLAlchemy-2.0.3-cp39-cp39-macosx_11_0_arm64.whl": "0f36b8e7526fdbff27d95ffc4de58adec9224bd9c2fa3c6b5894d4a471dae0b1",
    "Werkzeug-2.2.3-py3-none-any.whl": "144d40c05c7cb27d013739707020c617516c33c7bdfa58d96edce31db0802d15",
    "attrs-22.2.0-py3-none-any.whl": "b7d965a018ed5fbe33529f7ffdd208e203bd38ae6313018bfef8b830e329941c",
    "bcrypt-4.0.1-cp36-abi3-macosx_10_10_universal2.whl": "a7f1e8c691cd5626284833b106bb6e2084c19a07a0635a876992582d5cd56bde",
    "boto3-1.24.59-py3-none-any.whl": "0d0ef28407f50a812c6cdbe43b2d6681650d470e4cada694ec3e97b85c7a97f8",
    "botocore-1.27.59-py3-none-any.whl": "81bc68c3656887489cd9e2f6a0316bf4bb1c7e91baee53dee8262c8ae6983c8a",
    "cachetools-5.3.0-py3-none-any.whl": "d6f15c6c02c2247d78a97e9dca4e23315bd6aa08cde7c5811281c19d374f121e",
    "certifi-2022.12.7-py3-none-any.whl": "fa660808b834d51826f2d58643aad338e42b6d2bae69df8c8e5a4829dbeabdcf",
    "charset_normalizer-3.0.1-cp39-cp39-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl": "bb452e537f286bc912072293afcb53d87d5da9772067caa230ceb120e31511de",
    "charset_normalizer-3.0.1-cp39-cp39-macosx_11_0_arm64.whl": "eb4dde55cb763c7620c53d5e302388f2029805c483893d832d2b5f7026c72b4f",
    "click-8.1.3-py3-none-any.whl": "78086359bc4a576338dbcaacad4a42784cdd0755b6327b984812fe0913265abf",
    "greenlet-2.0.2-cp39-cp39-macosx_11_0_x86_64.whl": "f486be16d5e3bb3800ff45694c838e38a4a01bf53fe669435df440313bf1bb3a",
    "idna-3.4-py3-none-any.whl": "3baea0ffbdea9f349783bacbdb82dbd50eadfec75339388aaf1597754786e3ed",
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    "lazy_object_proxy-1.9.0-cp39-cp39-macosx_12_0_arm64.whl": "42c1a3a1bf6437454eba8c53718183b5d4d1e9a5b39ff751f34e986208411353",
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    "s3transfer-0.6.0-py3-none-any.whl": "be056641510d7effc911aad62944b4daf8b26281d992a395feb7e1046ed023b3",
    "setuptools-67.3.2-py3-none-any.whl": "e33efc7291d8d297afb56a5445c7b9154035fd51948629a68c4799952c1237b5",
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    "watchtower-3.0.1-py3-none-any.whl": "243912354d24754c3d4c1bdfb5583802f5933c3d9f1dde133643cbb362059f99",
    "zipp-3.13.0-py3-none-any.whl": "1e51538915a09fc2e49ef6fa620916fb1d0d7c15ad61131e65e555d5b9bd3202"
  "emit_warnings": false,
  "ignore_errors": false,
  "includes_tools": false,
  "inherit_path": "false",
  "interpreter_constraints": [
  "pex_hash": "41148ecf8b1f29a47b754349832b13b41c38bac0",
  "pex_path": "",
  "pex_paths": [],
  "requirements": [
  "strip_pex_env": true,
  "venv": false,
  "venv_bin_path": "false",
  "venv_copies": false,
  "venv_site_packages_copies": false
Trying execution in the container:
Copy code
$ docker run -it --rm iai/iai-coral-api bash                   
root@ef2d1c886001:/# /bin/iai_coral_api.pex 
Failed to find compatible interpreter on path /usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin.

Examined the following interpreters:
1.) /usr/local/bin/python3.9 CPython==3.9.16

No interpreter compatible with the requested constraints was found:

  A distribution for pyyaml could not be resolved for /usr/local/bin/python3.9.
  Found 2 distributions for pyyaml that do not apply:
  1.) The wheel tags for PyYAML 6.0 are cp39-cp39-macosx_10_9_x86_64 which do not match the supported tags of /usr/local/bin/python3.9:
  ... 304 more ...
  2.) The wheel tags for PyYAML 6.0 are cp39-cp39-macosx_11_0_arm64 which do not match the supported tags of /usr/local/bin/python3.9:
  ... 304 more ...
Yeah - exactly, You have many platform-specific distributions you depend on. Each one has a wheel tag with
in it - see many in your PEX-INFO. When the PEX goes to boot up on Linux, it tries to resolve Linux platform specific dependencies. A line like this, then, hopefully makes more sense then:
Copy code
1.) The wheel tags for PyYAML 6.0 are cp39-cp39-macosx_10_9_x86_64 which do not match the supported tags of /usr/local/bin/python3.9:
That says - "Hey, we're on Linux using a local python3.9 interpreter and you're trying to tell us to use a macosx wheel!? Good luck!"
In other words there is no magic Pants (or any other tool I'm aware of in the Python ecosystem) does to cross-build you a Linux thing from Mac.
You can get Pants to try to prepare you a Linux PEX in 2 different ways.
Method 1 only works if every single dependency is available as a pre-built wheel. If just 1 is an sdist (.tar.gz or .zip), it will fail. That technique has you define either
fields on your
where the platform you're specifying is the foreign Linux platform inside your container. See: https://www.pantsbuild.org/docs/reference-pex_binary#codecomplete_platformscode
Method 2 is only available in Pants 2.15.x + and is described here: https://www.pantsbuild.org/v2.15/docs/environments Unlike Method 1 this is guaranteed to work - mod bugs - it's experimental.
Method 2 will build the Pex inside the container.
Method 1 - which I'm most familiar with - takes care and close, full reading. There are steps to perform 1-time per targeted platform that are manual. These steps generate a complete platform JSON file you check in to your repo and point
I'll stop there. I suspect you have reading and experimenting to do. But please report back with success or trouble.
KK I’ll see what works, thanks for all the info. Pending 2.15 release, what I would like to do in this situation is get an exported requirements.txt of precisely which versions would have been in the pex anyway, and do a
pip install
from within the Dockerfile. Doesn’t cover hash checks, but probably ok for us for now.
But I’ll try these two options as well.
pex3 lock export
will get you a requirements.txt with hashes. Unfortunately, Pants gets in the way here. You will 1st need to strip off the invalid JSON comment header it adds 😕
You get
by pip installing
ic thanks! Sounds similar to what is happening with Method 2.
Not really. Method 2 runs certain Pants processes in a Linux sandbox instead of your local machine sandbox.
It does not do extra work like export and pip install, which it does not do for local PEXes.
The end result is the ~same though, yes.
For example, it will still run all the dependency inference (import statement parsing) processes on your Mac. It will only resolve / build the PEX inside Linux.
So, same process execution graph, just some nodes are moved into the container.
Where is the lockfile for a given built pex to use for export?
Somewhat related - is there a way to pass the docker
to the
ah - I think you mean I export the lock file used by pants. However, i have a monorepo setup, and this one service has a subset of the whole requirements list from the default python lock
Well, 18 ways to do this. In the container you can run
pex --lock monorepo.lock req1 req2 -o subset.pex --include-tools && PEX_TOOLS=1 ./subset.pex venv create/a/venv/from/a/subset/of/the/lock/right/here
That will pluck the transitive subgraph of the monorepo.lock that satisfies just re1 and req2 for Linux and then install that subgraph of pinned and hashed deps in a venv inside the container.
ic - its too bad that
PEX_TOOLS=1 /bin/iai_coral_api.pex venv my-venv
doesn’t seem to work because that would be an easy fix.
Can you say more? A full list of commands run in the container and the full backtrace would be good. Also, it would be good to call the shot and state the interpreter you really mean to use with
PEX_TOOLS=1 /this/python/please /bin/iai_coral_api.pex venv my-venv
Copy code
root@bcb2e6148c65:/# PEX_TOOLS=1 /usr/local/bin/python /bin/iai_coral_api.pex -h
Failed to find compatible interpreter on path /usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin.

Examined the following interpreters:
1.) /usr/local/bin/python3.9 CPython==3.9.16

No interpreter compatible with the requested constraints was found:

  A distribution for pyyaml could not be resolved for /usr/local/bin/python3.9.
  Found 2 distributions for pyyaml that do not apply:
  1.) The wheel tags for PyYAML 6.0 are cp39-cp39-macosx_10_9_x86_64 which do not match the supported tags of /usr/local/bin/python3.9:
  ... 304 more ...
  2.) The wheel tags for PyYAML 6.0 are cp39-cp39-macosx_11_0_arm64 which do not match the supported tags of /usr/local/bin/python3.9:
  ... 304 more ...
I believe the check is still being done first. Regardless I don’t see how this will work, since I don’t see version information for the packages in the INFO, just a listing of wheels, and requirements without version pins. ultimately - I’m trying to get the version pinned list of requirements out of the pex without any of the platform constraints, and then call a
pip install
to install the compatible versions.
I suspect I’ll have to go one of the 2 methods you listed above.
What happened to the
pex --lock monorepo.lock req1 req2 -o subset.pex --include-tools
I mentioned. That is required 1st. And that is to be done inside the container.
hmm, and get
req1 req2….reqN
from the pex info?
k ic
right makes sense. although, is there a way to make a custom step (in pants) generating the list of requirements prior to the docker build?
Have a look at the
goal (https://www.pantsbuild.org/docs/reference-dependencies) and the
goal (https://www.pantsbuild.org/docs/reference-peek). I think this can maybe be done with
but I'm not sure. Definitely Approaches #1 & #2 I mentioned above are way more standard.
I’ll look, but not hopeful there. I think a package step for pants to print this kind of package dependency list in requirements format would be nice, would bring compatibility to other python packaging tools.
and wouldn’t force me to use pex
Thinking won't get you far. It sounds reasonable; so you should advocate for it with a feature request issue, and better, volunteering to work on it. We're helpful with 1st contributions PRs.
for sure - thanks for all the help.
You're welcome.