Maybe it's a good idea to archive the messages in ...
# general
Maybe it's a good idea to archive the messages in this slack workspace using Other OSS projects are using it and it helps a lot on help requests once the history won't be deleted.
Thank you! I've been wanting to find a way to make the slack indexable by search engines. It would be a big boost for users and a big supplement to the documentation. I'm not familiar with Linen. Would the free tier have some way of saying essentially "this is just an archive, for live support go to"?
By the way, a kind member of our community recently arranged for Pants to be moved to the Premium tier. So history is not hidden anymore, and the entire back history has been restored. You can find every message going back to the first one in 1995!
My understanding is that the nice person has chosen to be anonymous, but if they would be comfortable taking credit I certainly think they deserve to. It was a generous gift, and we're delighted to have the full history available for users.
good! at least having this archive would increase pants awareness a lot once it will be indexable by google so people could find answers by googling.
It looks like they use the paid tier, since they are able to apply a custom URL. I'd love to see Linen archives on the free tier. My initial impression is certainly favorable.
It may be. Anyway it would be a good addition for discoverability
I agree.
Thank you!
👍 1