Hi everyone - for anyone interested in pex, wanted...
# general
Hi everyone - for anyone interested in pex, wanted to share this blog post about how we use pex files with warm docker containers for fast deploys: https://dagster.io/blog/fast-deploys-with-pex-and-docker
🤘 6
Fwiw PEX just gained "yolo" support. It can handle sdists for foreign platforms if it turns out the sdist builds to a compatible wheel: https://github.com/pantsbuild/pex/releases/tag/v2.1.125
🙌 1
@abundant-autumn-67998: very cool! nice work.
🙏 1
note also that PEX’s
is very `rsync`’able… might be able to save more time in the case where thirdparty deps have changed (although that’s less common i’m sure)
@enough-analyst-54434 I saw that changelog with scare quotes, not quite sure what it means though 😄 For now we do have a fallback docker image we use during the build which can reliably build any sdist for our target platform.
@abundant-autumn-67998 and I have worked a lot together and I'm pretty sure that ended up not suiting their use cases.
👍 1
yes thanks for all the help John!
❤️ 1
Stu - we use the 'store-able in an s3 blob' feature of the zip file. we may look at other layouts at some point.
It just means if the sdist were, say, cowsay, everything will work now: https://pypi.org/project/cowsay/#files
That builds to a py3-none-any wheel.