OK, one thing I've noticed about `CODEOWNERS` is t...
# development
OK, one thing I've noticed about
is that the codeowner is still there even if reviewers are added. IMO I should've known that in hindsight. So, I'm starting to be -1 on the change as that wasn't the intent. Instead I might suggest we: • Migrate this to a GitHub Action -> "if there are no reviewers on a PR, add X, Y, or Z." Could still make it based on path. • Add a PR template which in a comment suggests to the PR author to leave it blank if they are unsure and someone will be added automatically Thoughts?
CC @curved-television-6568 and @busy-vase-39202
the rust “high five bot” assigns reviewers to PRs that don’t have them… i think that even if it did so using Github’s suggested reviewers it would be fine.
(Also we should probably have a PR template anyways?)
I'd be willing to try that, although filter the suggested reviewers through an includelist
sounds good to me.
(I wish they'd say where the code lives, or a guide, or anything https://github.com/rust-highfive)
https://github.com/rust-lang/highfive (although recently archived) ?
What if we add a column to the Team page, for topic keywords and then in the PR template refer people to that page to try to identify prospective reviewers. No automation involved, but nothing sticky about the assignment either. Also I think it's good for new contributors to see that page and get at least a glancing familiarity with who is on the team.