Important announcement about Toolchain in thread:
# general
Important announcement about Toolchain in thread:
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As you may know, Toolchain is a Pants enterprise service provider founded 5 years ago by John Sirois and me. Unfortunately, it has become infeasible for Toolchain to continue to operate in the current fundraising and general business environment. As a result, over the next few weeks we will be winding down the company's operations. 5 of the 20 current Pants maintainers are Toolchain employees, so this may have a short-term impact on resources, such as Slack help and code review attention, available to the project. (Takes off Toolchain hat, puts on Pants Maintainer propeller beanie) Fortunately, the Pants community has built itself up so successfully over the past 3 years that this shouldn't impact the project's momentum: Since we launched Pants v2 in October 2020, the user base has grown steadily, and along with it the number of Contributors and Maintainers. Folks from a variety of companies and industries now form a formidable open-source development team committed to continuing this thrilling upward trajectory. In fact, think of this transition as an opportunity: this is your chance to become further involved with a robust and growing OSS project that prides itself on kindness just as much as on technical excellence. We value all manner of contributions: new feature implementations, bugfixes, documentation, blog posts, conference talks, anything that helps the project grow while improving its stability. Over the next few weeks all of the Pants Maintainers will work to ensure a seamless transition. John and I, and at least some of the other Toolchain folks, will remain closely involved with the project. And the entire community - Maintainers, Contributors and users is robust and growing and is fully capable of absorbing this change with minimal disruption. Thanks for being loyal Pants users. We're very excited to remain active members of the Pants community through this next phase and beyond! Please reach out on this thread or by DM if you have any questions or concerns. Benjy
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As a followup, there may be a big silver lining here, in that we may have an opportunity to contribute some of our proprietary code to the open-source community, thus adding one or more excellent features to Pants.
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I'll be the first non-Toolchain maintainer here to say that the news fills me with both sadness and optimism. Sadness for those on the team who will have to find new employers and the stress that entails. Additionally, those employers are certainly not going to dedicate as many resources to Pants as Toolchain has. Optimism because this becomes a point at which we as maintainers, contributors, and everyone in the community can rally to fill the vacuum. We've already came up with many exciting ideas on how Pants maintenance can adapt to more community-backed funding. So, it'll be a time of transitions. But one I'm happy to play my part in.
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I’ll second what Josh said and add that while it can be scary to shake things up and around, it’s also healthy to get challenged once in a while. πŸ‘– is as strong as ever!
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Yep, this may be a blessing in disguise TBH
Hey @happy-kitchen-89482. Hoping for the best outcome for you and the team, and the larger Pants community. 🫑 We have a large-ish codebase that has been around for quite some time. In addition to Python code, we have some firmware, some debian packaging, pip packaging, we'll need some protobuf support, jupyter notebooks stuff, autodocs for APIs, and a lot of need for TLC and overall best practices and a lot of hope for the future. Pants doesn't need to solve everything for us, but I'm very bullish on using it to solve some core issues with our current build system. I've been handling this migration project part-time but am struggling to get it off the ground. What suggestion do you have for those who would like some dedicated consultant time just to get a team bootstrapped into Pants?
Thanks @breezy-mouse-20493! This is something we're looking into being able to provide, and we hope to have more information soon.
Can you give more flavor on what you were thinking of. Is it more like 5 hours a month, or 20 hours a week?
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I think somewhere in between, with a heavy-ish frontloading to get the initial lift into a parallel build system under Pants. 😁 After this, things should be piece-meal and I foresee the need for support to go down while we tame the bulk of the technical debt over the long haul. In other words, the rest of the work should be on us.
Just seeing this now. Sorry to hear your had to shut toolchain down @happy-kitchen-89482, 😞 how's the transition worked out so far?
Well, Pants itself is still thriving, fortunately. And I am enjoying being on sabbatical for the first time in 13 years...
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