# random
Love that he pre-emptively posted the natural question with obligatory XKCD: https://github.com/mitsuhiko/rye/discussions/6
😂 1
He makes some valid points though…. coming back to python after rust is a bit painful
In my ideal world, there would be Cargo (or even SPM)-like integration with languages and toolchains. When it comes to dep management, creating projects, and handling virtual paperwork - I don't want to have to think or research. Fast, stable, reliable, repeatable - via any means necessary.
I mean, Cargo installing a toolchain is pretty cool too - that would be nice as well
Python had stuffed up by letting dep and virtual environment management go so long without standards
I really want to use rye, it cross off many pain points, but I also don’t want yet another package management tool on my system
I saw this last night. It also uses Python build standalone which can be a pain if you're building extension modules. But I love the idea
Part of me, somewhere back in the depths of my brain, feels like there should be one package manager... Cross-language, a single executable that can create and parse dependencies, manage a lockfile, and download to a global or local store with sym/hard links as needed. Within each language, there are a number of replicated solutions for the same problem, and then across languages, that same problem gets replicated. Like the multiverse of madness or something
Auto-magically call out to the language-native build tools for compilation, but let one "thing" manage the rest of the process