Hello. I'm trying to get `flake8` and `yapf` runni...
# general
Hello. I'm trying to get
running with Pants on our code but I'm having some questions & wondering what the best approach is.
is handling configuration well, but
is giving me some trouble. In particular, we have some autogenerated files that we want to not run
on. If I use a
, however,
will return
Copy code
input filenames did not match any python files
and an exit code of 1 when called against a set of files that are all excluded in the
. This makes
./pants lint
fail when run against a set of files of files. I did find a fairly reasonable workaround here, using either a
or a
Copy code
        "*_pattern_common_to_generated_files.py": {
            "skip_yapf": True
I'm wondering if this is the best way to handle this?
./pants tailor ::
won't know to include this line, so developers will probably have some confusion when they write something that will produce a new folder of generated files. I could mitigate that with a unit test that inspects the
files, but that also seems a little gross. Is there a way to make that
override implicit in each
You may be able to do something with
: https://www.pantsbuild.org/docs/targets#field-default-values
Very interesting! This took care of one folder tree we have that is all generated files, but I'm having difficult with the
I used for places were generated files are mixed in with regular code.
Copy code
        (python_sources, ): dict(overrides={
            "*_generated.py": {
                "skip_yapf": True
Copy code
TypeError: Even though you are using a `FrozenDict`, the underlying values are not hashable. Please use hashable (and preferably immutable) types for the underlying values, e.g. use tuples instead of lists and use FrozenOrderedSet instead of set().

Original error message: unhashable type: 'dict'

Value: FrozenDict({'overrides': {('*_generated.py',): {'skip_yapf': True}}})
huh, maybe that's a bug with
not supporting nested dicts. Could you file an issue? https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/issues/new?assignees=&labels=bug&template=bug_report.md&title= In the short term, I wonder if it will coerce sequences of pairs to a dict:
overides=(("*_generated.py", (("skip_yapf", True),)),)
Will do, thanks. It looks like the field type validation won't budge:
Copy code
InvalidFieldTypeException: The 'overrides' field in target my/path#__defaults__ must be dict[str | tuple[str, ...], dict[str, Any]], but was `(('*_generated.py',), (('skip_yapf', True),))` with type `tuple`.
👍 1
Defaults for the generated file tree is definitely a huge help though, thanks much. The mixed-file case should be more straight-forward for developers to figure out
👍 1
I think the nested dict value can be a string representation of a dict?
Do you have an example? I wasn't able to come up with something valid that uses a string
Thanks for the bug report. I’m on it.
Wow, thanks for the quick turnaround on that! Out of curiosity, do you think the above example will work on folders that don't have
files? What I had intended to test after the
was to see how unmatched globs would be handled
Oh, that’s an excellent question. I’m not that familiar with how overrides work. i.e. what happens if you provide overrides for unknown files/globs. Coming from
feels like it should be able to ignore any errors the same way unknown fields may be ignored if needed.