I have some autogenerated protobuf files in my rep...
# general
I have some autogenerated protobuf files in my repo. I am using skip_black=True, skip_pylint=True, skip_ruff=True and skip_mypy=True; but for some reason mypy does check the files and I get bunch of errors. Pants however seem to skip black, pylint and ruff as it should. Any ideas why this could be happening?
If the files are imported from other non-skipped files, Mypy will still examine them (to find definitions and so on): it operates on all files at once, not just individual file-at-a-time like many other linters. (Pants’ offering that flag and seemingly silently ignoring it is very misleading though) To block individual files, you might need to add a commend like
# type: ignore
at the start of them, if you can.
👍 1
Thank you. Then I understand why this happens. # type: ignore does the trick.
Ah, https://www.pantsbuild.org/docs/python-check-goal#incrementally-adopt-mypy-with-skip_mypytrue offers another solution: setting follow imports to "silent".
👍 1