Hey all. I am trying to build run python3.10 for t...
# general
Hey all. I am trying to build run python3.10 for the tests, but I am getting these errors:
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| => ./pants check ::
16:44:27.01 [INFO] Initializing scheduler...
16:44:27.03 [WARN] DEPRECATED: Setting `Goal.environment_behavior=EnvironmentBehavior.UNMIGRATED` for `Goal` `list-docker-build` is scheduled to be removed in version 2.17.0.dev0.

See <https://www.pantsbuild.org/v2.15/docs/plugin-upgrade-guide>

16:44:27.03 [WARN] DEPRECATED: Setting `Goal.environment_behavior=EnvironmentBehavior.UNMIGRATED` for `Goal` `dc` is scheduled to be removed in version 2.17.0.dev0.

See <https://www.pantsbuild.org/v2.15/docs/plugin-upgrade-guide>

16:44:28.42 [INFO] Scheduler initialized.
16:44:39.36 [INFO] Canceled: Building extra_type_stubs.pex from 3rdparty/python/mypy_lockfile.txt
16:44:39.47 [ERROR] 1 Exception encountered:

Engine traceback:
  in `check` goal
  in Typecheck using MyPy - (environment:local, mypy)

InvalidLockfileError: You are using the lockfile at build_support/plugins/deps_lock.txt to install the resolve `pants-plugins` (from `[python].resolves`). However, it is not compatible with the current targets because:

- The targets use interpreter constraints (`CPython==3.10.*`) that are not a subset of those used to generate the lockfile (`CPython<3.10,>=3.7`).

The lockfile's interpreter constraints are set by the option `[python].resolves_to_interpreter_constraints`, which determines how the lockfile is generated. Note that that option only changes how the lockfile is generated; you must still set interpreter constraints for targets via `[python].interpreter_constraints` and the `interpreter_constraints` field (<https://www.pantsbuild.org/v2.15/docs/python-interpreter-compatibility>). All targets must have interpreter constraints that are a subset of their resolve's constraints.

To fix this, you can either adjust the interpreter constraints of the targets which use the resolve 'pants-plugins', or adjust `[python].resolves_to_interpreter_constraints` then run `generate-lockfiles`.

To regenerate your lockfile, run `./pants generate-lockfiles --resolve=pants-plugins`.
Relevent pants.toml file values:
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enable_resolves = true

interpreter_constraints = ["==3.10.*"]

# Pants can run with 3.7-3.9, so this lets us
# use different interpreter constraints when
# generating the lockfile than the rest of our project.
# Warning: it's still necessary to set the `interpreter_constraints`
# field on each `python_sources` and `python_tests` target in
# our plugin! This only impacts how the lockfile is generated.
pants-plugins = [">=3.7,<3.10"]

python-default = "3rdparty/python/python3-deps_lock.txt"
pants-plugins = "build_support/plugins/deps_lock.txt"
I think you need to set interpreter constraints inside your plugin code too as written in the warning
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# Warning: it's still necessary to set the `interpreter_constraints`
# field on each `python_sources` and `python_tests` target in
# our plugin! This only impacts how the lockfile is
So the plugin code specific targets should have something like
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python_sources(interpreter_constraints= [">=3.7,<3.10"])
python_tests(interpreter_constraints= [">=3.7,<3.10"])
You can
to avoid duplicating it every where inside your plugin code
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