Has anyone been running into this? `Error launchi...
# development
Has anyone been running into this?
Error launching process: Os { code: 86, kind: Uncategorized, message: "Bad CPU type in executable" }
Copy code
⏺ oss/pants-peek % pants peek ::                                                                                                                                    ⎇ main
16:02:59.32 [ERROR] 1 Exception encountered:

Engine traceback:
  in select
  in pants.backend.project_info.peek.peek
    `peek` goal

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/sj/Developer/oss/pants-peek/src/python/pants/engine/internals/selectors.py", line 623, in native_engine_generator_send
    res = rule.send(arg) if err is None else rule.throw(throw or err)
  File "/Users/sj/Developer/oss/pants-peek/src/python/pants/backend/project_info/peek.py", line 254, in peek
    tds = await Get(TargetDatas, UnexpandedTargets, targets)
  File "/Users/sj/Developer/oss/pants-peek/src/python/pants/engine/internals/selectors.py", line 118, in __await__
    result = yield self
  File "/Users/sj/Developer/oss/pants-peek/src/python/pants/engine/internals/selectors.py", line 623, in native_engine_generator_send
    res = rule.send(arg) if err is None else rule.throw(throw or err)
  File "/Users/sj/Developer/oss/pants-peek/src/python/pants/backend/project_info/peek.py", line 177, in get_target_data
    dependencies_per_target = await MultiGet(
  File "/Users/sj/Developer/oss/pants-peek/src/python/pants/engine/internals/selectors.py", line 358, in MultiGet
    return await _MultiGet(tuple(__arg0))
  File "/Users/sj/Developer/oss/pants-peek/src/python/pants/engine/internals/selectors.py", line 165, in __await__
    result = yield self.gets
  File "/Users/sj/Developer/oss/pants-peek/src/python/pants/engine/internals/selectors.py", line 623, in native_engine_generator_send
    res = rule.send(arg) if err is None else rule.throw(throw or err)
  File "/Users/sj/Developer/oss/pants-peek/src/python/pants/engine/internals/graph.py", line 1193, in resolve_dependencies
    inferred = await MultiGet(
  File "/Users/sj/Developer/oss/pants-peek/src/python/pants/engine/internals/selectors.py", line 358, in MultiGet
    return await _MultiGet(tuple(__arg0))
  File "/Users/sj/Developer/oss/pants-peek/src/python/pants/engine/internals/selectors.py", line 165, in __await__
    result = yield self.gets
  File "/Users/sj/Developer/oss/pants-peek/src/python/pants/engine/internals/selectors.py", line 623, in native_engine_generator_send
    res = rule.send(arg) if err is None else rule.throw(throw or err)
  File "/Users/sj/Developer/oss/pants-peek/src/python/pants/backend/shell/dependency_inference.py", line 178, in infer_shell_dependencies
    detected_imports = await Get(
  File "/Users/sj/Developer/oss/pants-peek/src/python/pants/engine/internals/selectors.py", line 118, in __await__
    result = yield self
  File "/Users/sj/Developer/oss/pants-peek/src/python/pants/engine/internals/selectors.py", line 623, in native_engine_generator_send
    res = rule.send(arg) if err is None else rule.throw(throw or err)
  File "/Users/sj/Developer/oss/pants-peek/src/python/pants/backend/shell/dependency_inference.py", line 106, in parse_shell_imports
    process_result = await Get(
  File "/Users/sj/Developer/oss/pants-peek/src/python/pants/engine/internals/selectors.py", line 118, in __await__
    result = yield self
native_engine.IntrinsicError: Failed to execute: Process {
    argv: [
    env: {},
    working_directory: None,
    input_digests: InputDigests {
        complete: DirectoryDigest {
            digest: Digest {
                hash: Fingerprint<74712eda6b804fa6f81dea6d4b7008be9e369f40d2c7c2fce92bb59ca25a9ba3>,
                size_bytes: 174,
            tree: "Some(..)",
        nailgun: DirectoryDigest {
            digest: Digest {
                hash: Fingerprint<e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855>,
                size_bytes: 0,
            tree: "Some(..)",
        inputs: DirectoryDigest {
            digest: Digest {
                hash: Fingerprint<74712eda6b804fa6f81dea6d4b7008be9e369f40d2c7c2fce92bb59ca25a9ba3>,
                size_bytes: 174,
            tree: "Some(..)",
        immutable_inputs: {},
        use_nailgun: {},
    output_files: {},
    output_directories: {},
    timeout: None,
    execution_slot_variable: None,
    concurrency_available: 0,
    description: "Detect Shell imports for cargo",
    level: Debug,
    append_only_caches: {},
    jdk_home: None,
    cache_scope: Always,
    execution_environment: ProcessExecutionEnvironment {
        name: None,
        platform: Macos_arm64,
        strategy: Local,
    remote_cache_speculation_delay: 0ns,

Error launching process: Os { code: 86, kind: Uncategorized, message: "Bad CPU type in executable" }
src/python/pants/backend/shell/lint/shellcheck/subsystem.py Gonna assume it's related to this:
I'll take a look at this tonight and see if I can find the ARM binaries that Brew uses
never seen..
Do you have rosetta installed?
don’t think so.. is it something you install intentionally so no.
Umm, then how is an x86 compiled binary working?
I thought this was also the same issue with Hadolint at some point. Those with ARM-only couldn't use it
Ack, just ran into this while playing with shell_command, And just like you reported I surprisingly got a bad cpu type for shellcheck even though my pants command shouldn't have been running it (I wasn't linting or had the shellcheck backend installed). Will investigate https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/issues/18589
https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/pull/19945 fixes shellcheck not working on M1