pex has started to act weird for me today; it's ta...
# pex
pex has started to act weird for me today; it's taking an ungodly amount of time (> 5) to resolve requirements for me today, despite having a constraints file in place. I can provide more info and context for sure, but off the top your heads, is there anything in particular that can cause this?
Did this only start after upgrading to rc1?
Yes. But I'm also adding more deps and building more, so I want to make sure that doesn't have something to do with it. Using
shows that it's clearly the pex resolution process that takes long
The only culprit I can think of is adding a lock to avoid a race condition of writing to the Pex cache. But that was in rc0, and the benchmark didn’t show much slowdown. I’m wondering if any of your new deps use sdists, which must be built locally? Those can be particularly slow, up to several minutes :/
Are you able to share your constraints file so I can check if I can reproduce or notice anything? Generally, installing with Pex shouldn’t be that much slower than installing with Pip, as Pex wraps Pip
the actual desired dependencies are ...
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14:43:34 $ ./pants dependencies --type=3rdparty --transitive src/python/jumio/services/fawrensian/apps:mesos.devel
dataclasses>=0.7; python_version < "3.7"
also note that my constraints file contains references to dependencies from a private repo...don't know if that affects things
it seems to have gone away when i got rid of "flask-apispec" (which i didn't like anyways), maybe i or it was doing something weird that gave the sat solver fits, idk
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Cool, good find. Although I don’t believe pip uses a sat solver, I think it’s more simplistic than that: first one wins. At least the old resolver, which Pex still uses by vendoring pip (I’m very excited for the new one) It looks like flask-apispec releases a wheel; perhaps one of its dependencies uses an sdist?
oh i thought it might be related to the new resolver, but you're not even using it
Not yet, but we do plan to switch to it
hmmm...this is still a problem, seems to happen whenever i change deps, regardless of whether there's a constraints file configured or not
ah...i figured it out, it's my extra index
The constraints file only means that Pants will use a single resolve for everything, whereas otherwise it will use the precise requirements used by your command, like the specific test. Which means if you have 50 tests, each with their 50 different combinations of requirements, you’ll resolve requirements 50 times 😶 The constraints file allows us to avoid that by resolving the whole constraints file, and always using that, even if it’s a superset. If you change any of your requirements, everything has to get re-resolved. But the Pex cache should be used in
ah...i figured it out, it’s my extra index
what do you mean?
well, i thought it was that... i have private pypi index configured that i may have had bad connectivity to
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i see, so as the constraints file grows, the resolution takes longer when it it has to recalculate
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it's down to ~2 min when i change it now
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Yes, exactly. As you add more requirements, it takes more time for that initial download/install of the dependencies. And some dependencies are much, much slower to install than others (particularly if it’s an sdist that must be built, rather than a prebuilt wheel file)
still it's a pretty frustrating workflow when you're changing your constraints frequently (which i am right now)....obviously i won't always be doing that
i'm suprised it doesn't cache wheels it builds, because the versions of these packages aren't changing too much
It should be caching those in
if they didn’t have any changes btw, you can experiment with
to improve concurrency: The default is 2, but that might be lower than optimal. We set that before the constraints file optimization to only use a single resolve, because it was common to resolve requirements as multiple distinct processes so you could get exhaustion. Generally, now, you only have a single process happening at a time
Pex defaults to 12 on my machine, according to
pip install pex; pex --help
. (I think it depends on your number of cores) So Pants will be performing slower with the default set to 2 than using Pex normally
yeah it looks like it sets it to
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is there a way i can make pants not pass pex that value so it will use nproc again?
i don't want to hard-code that into the repo because i don't know how many cores it will be run on on different machines
try setting it to
for now. This is the code we use:
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if python_setup.resolver_jobs:
        argv.extend(["--jobs", str(python_setup.resolver_jobs)])
That’s something we should make less wonky though + revisit the default.
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okay thanks, that will help some...i've extracted the pex command now and edited enough to be able to
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source pex-cmd 2>&1 | ts > long-pex-run.log
because i want to figure out what's taking it so damn long...i can see built wheels in the cache, it really shouldn't be that unless there's some kinda weird invalidation going on
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may also give some insights. I believe we log how log it takes to resolve each req iirc? It takes a value from 0 - 9. Translates to the
option when using Pex directly
could i DM you the results?
for sure