Separate thread: I’m currently looking at shortcu...
# pex
Separate thread: I’m currently looking at shortcutting interpreter selection - changing the code to just using the current interpreter vs listing them all and filtering, drops my trivial hello-world
execution from ~1000ms to ~500ms - if I wanted to turn this into something real, any thoughts on what it would look like? A flag/env-var to specify a short-circuiting selection?
So, short-circuiting to use the curretn IFF it matches interpreter constraints is already encoded as the default behavior. Failure to do so in pex modern is a bug.
Cool, I will dig into that probably-bug then 🙂
PEX_VERBOSE=9 (or less) will show the full selection process fwiw.
Ooh, it looks like my current interpreter was not what I was expect it to be because of some weird ways that Twitter sets up our $PATHs :S Thanks for the pointers!
👍 1
OK, excellent. I was guessing this might be the pexrc petard.