pex question, might be dumb. Is there a way to get...
# pex
pex question, might be dumb. Is there a way to get pex to run from files that are not written to ~/.pex? The use case is someone who wants some source files in the pex to be pickleable, and the absolute path to ~/.pex isn’t there when unpickling
Seems related to PEX_ALWAYS_CACHE env var, but I’m not setting that, and stuff is still written there.
Can that be disabled completely
you can set PEX_FORCE_LOCAL and PEX_ROOT to force the files in the pex to be written to disk
not sure if that helps with your use case though
Hm. it might.
But if their code has that fundamental property, they should mark the pex as not zip safe. In Pants for a
. The env vars just allow you to do this ad-hoc post facto.
So what is happening is that the code is calling dill.dump_session which tries to dump the _ main _ module symbols but _ main _ ends up being the pex main I think
i believe
is the correct way to handle that (to confirm)
zip safe doesn’t fix this fyi. Not saying its an issue with pex, But the pex entrypoint is not the module called _ main _ because that is the pex bootstrapper. Basically the point is that pex is not compatible with dill.dump_session, which is probably okay.
Basically the point is that pex is not compatible with dill.dump_session, which is probably okay.
Makes sense on all counts. The only way to make Pex compatible with this sort of thing would be a new feature where a pex can be marked zip_hostile=True ( 🙂 ) in which case it would have to fully unzip itself (not just user code and wheels like zip_safe=False does) and then re-exec.
💡 1
That's not an unreasonable feature request, since that mode would allow any application that works not PEXed to definitely continue to work as-is. So if you want to file an issue for that - SGTM. Receptance to that sort of contribution would be positive.
❤️ 1
Thanks John. I’ll make an issue, and think about working on it 🙂
I do like how useful pex is and would like to contribute to that
Excellent. In case you don't get time to work on it, filling out the description with what zip hostile means would be great. Reading the issue as-is cold turkey it would probably be closed with "already implemented - see
pex --help
Yeah sorry I accidentally submitted it before filling in the description 🤦‍♂️ multiple windows and keyboard mashing