this could support smarter app runtimes that could...
# pex
this could support smarter app runtimes that could do things like bootstrap their own resources/deps/interpreters/etc or other interesting features
yes, i’d really really like this to happen
to this end: I have heard lots of complaints of late about multi-second pex execution startup times from Twitter folks, I worry it’s gotten worse recently. that’d be a core problem to fix in both pex and any carry-forward.
yes, that’s partially why i wanted to pursue the dehydrated solution within pex (i wanted a formal solution instead of throwaway scripts)
we can try to pair on this sometime this week or anytime in the future if you’d like
i also personally need to get more familiar with the pex bootstrap process and what the profile looks like when a pex is executed
Huh do you think any of this is that Pants no longer includes .pyc? When did the complaints start?
i assumed that it happens when you start making really large pex files and try to execute them immediately as part of an interactive application
a previously unknown use case to me but seems like it could exacerbate any issues
I’m not sure if they’re added at Definitely not at build time so that Pexes are reproducible for V2
we should take care not to affect use cases that don’t need that reproducibility though
probably something that needs to be benchmarked and profiled for optimization