Hey <@U04S45AHA> I opened <https://github.com/pant...
# pex
Hey @enough-analyst-54434 I opened https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/issues/8502 to track an issue with pants release. It seems the gist of it is that pex sees different manylinux platform tags as incompatible, for instance a manylinux2010 whl cannot fulfill a dep for a manylinux1 whl. I'm coming up with a workaround for the short term, but I'm wondering if this is something we plan to fix in pex upstream.
is this clearly a bug?
Pex doesn't support the manylinux2010 platform marker yet.
pip seems to think a manylinux2010 whl can be a dep of a manylinux1 whl at least, but pex doesn't yet.
it would be good to include the repro there (ie that
release.sh -p
fails on master after SHA
1988587507cb2cb21efffac01ac9a8c3ebf291a5 is the first breakage we saw
https://github.com/pantsbuild/pex/issues/781 might resolve this sort of thing, if we implemented it
yeah sounds like it would
To answer Henry's question, there are no plans to fix I'm aware of. There are several manylinux2XXX issues and PRs filed and one proposal for a much larger change (use pip) that would happen to fix this. Besides that and the one open PR (https://github.com/pantsbuild/pex/pull/778), no one has stepped up to fix.
I will test that PR against the pants pex release, but as a longer term solution im in favor of using the pip resolver.