Pants macOS BigSur support / <
# announce
Pants macOS BigSur support / requires a Pex upgrade. I'll be doing all the Pex releases and Pants upgarde to get there but wanted to check the landscape for cherry-picks. The issue was filed against 1.29.0 so it looks like I need to setup rcs for: + 1.29.1rc0 + 1.30.2rc3 + 2.0.1rc4 + 2.1.1rc2 (no setup needed, just cherry-pick since this is unreleased) + ... and 2.2 series is covered by landing on master Does that look right to you @witty-crayon-22786?
Might the users be able to upgrade to 1.30? I suspect 1.29 has bit rot
1.29 is maybe EOL’d
yea, coke
@enough-analyst-54434: re: 2.0.x and 2.1.x, note the jank from … i’ve been holding actually shipping the most recent rc for #11290
so, yes… would say 1.30.x, 2.0.x, and 2.1.x
K yeah I don't see any very disruptive API changes from 1.29 to 1.30. It shouldn't be very difficult for them to upgrade
OK, thanks. Am I missing docs on official EOL policy? I see deprecation policy, but not terms for service of branches.
no, we don’t have it on paper anywhere.
in this case, a lot of attention was put into 1.30.x as “the last v1” release… and so even if we did have the policy documented, we’d likely want to stretch it significantly to give 1.30.x a longer life
👍 1
for example: Eric did a lot of work to reverse bitrot in the 1.30.x branch around the shutdown of RBE
Oh yeah, cherry picking anything into 1.29 would be quite difficult because of the RBE shut down. It wasn't trivial to turn off RBE and get tests still passing
thanks a lot
@enough-analyst-54434: i’m working on picks of #11308 for 2.0.x and 2.1.x, and then i’d be happy to drive the next rcs once the PEX upgrade is in