Pex 2.1.23 is released: + <
# announce
Urg, the Pip legacy resolver has regressed wrt constraints files. If the constraints file contains any requirements not in the resolved set (which will ~always be the case for Pants use) it raises an AssertionError. Using the 2020-resolver all is well. I did not want to mix the Pex upgrade with switching the resolver too.
😕 1
Alright, I think the only thing to do here is file an issue / fix PR against Pip and then update the pantsbuild/pip fork with the same PR and have Pex use that for a bit 😕.
I have away to fix this issue in Pip, but I'm pessimistically moving ahead with to allow a release of Pex against a patched version of Pip 20.3.* until / if Pip resolves the issue.
i think that i had been assuming that Pants would have a flag to control the resolver, and would default to the previous resolver for at least one release?
does that help here?
The bug is in the previous resolver
ah, got it.
So it does not help
They introduced a regression - works fine in new resolver.
yea, misread, sorry.
let me know if there is anything i can do to help. will hold off on all releases right now.
Thanks. Just reviews. This one for Pex: Another one after 2.1.24 release based on that in Pants.
👀 1
Alright, cherry-picks coming here presentlyish. Thanks Stu.
👍 1 is the last one for the 1.30.x branch. That was totally manual - not a cherry-pick.
And 1.30.x is almost surely going to bleed into tomorrow. I'm happy to deal with that release @witty-crayon-22786
thanks, that would be appreciated.