I'm release manager this evening. It looks like on...
# announce
I'm release manager this evening. It looks like only the 1st dev release of the 2.3.0 series is in order - but let me know if any rcs need work.
that sounds right… thanks John!
i’ll probably do a 2.2.x early next week, but i’m holding out hope that we can isolate https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/issues/11364
I’ve been wanting to do 2.1, but haven’t had a chance to figure out why the cherry-pick is failing with Git. https://pantsbuild.slack.com/archives/C15HUUSL9/p1610044754069000 I plan to do 2.0 and 2.2 as well soon. I can take those though
@hundreds-father-404 raised the point on https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/pull/11435 that a commit stu made yesterday technically added a new option, which the above PR removes. I think it's okay to remove that option without a deprecation cycle, since there's been no released version of pants that has the option. but for exactly that reason it would be nice to get that PR merged before a release
👍 1
OK - I'll wait on that one @hundreds-breakfast-49010
it's been ack'd, so just waiting on CI
I'll keep an eye out for when it's done and hit the button. or feel free to hit it yourself if you see it first
ok it's merged @enough-analyst-54434