Pex 2.1.104 is released: + <
# announce
Unlike the usual course of events, I won't be upgrading Pants right away to this Pex. There is more pressing work to support the Pants Docker command runner project that I need to attend to. This Pex release does include support for using Pip 22.2.2 as the resolver; so it is of some interest to some Pants users. If any of those users want to chip in with a Pants Pex upgrade PR, I'm happy to help review.
Just to verify if I would like I can use it in say pants version 2.12. Currently I am using 2.1.93
You can use it but you won't get Pip 22.2.2. To Get Pex using Pip 22.2.2 you must pass it the new
--pip-version 22.2.2
flag, and Pants does not have the code to do that in any Pants version yet.
That's why I say it will require a PR.
👍 1