Hello Friends! Every year, we ask the Pants commu...
# announce
Hello Friends! Every year, we ask the Pants community about where Pants could use some improvement, whether that be through making existing workflows easier to use or more efficient, or by unlocking new workflows through support for new languages and tools. It’s that time of year again! As with last year, this survey comes in two parts: 1. Nominating new features or areas of improvement from the community 2. Asking the community to help rank those improvements We’re starting with the first round survey today! Please take a few moments to visit the form, and let us know what you think the project should be focusing on: you can return and submit as many ideas as you like. Please submit only one idea per response. If you know people who aren’t currently using Pants, please let them know about the survey, so they can add their own voice into the mix. Submit your ideas! At the end of next week (roughly 9 February), we’ll triage the responses, create tickets for responses that don’t have them, and send out a second round survey which will help us prioritise these tickets. Thanks in advance, we’re looking forward to hearing what you all want!
👖 8
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🙏 1
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