Please join me in congratulating two new Pants <Ma...
# announce
Please join me in congratulating two new Pants Maintainers: @proud-dentist-22844 and @broad-processor-92400 Wilson. Jacob has had many excellent contributions to Pants, including: - Made improvements to the
goal - Created a Stevedore plugin - Driven Pants adoption in the StackStorm repo - Helped users on Slack - Participated in design discussions and offered valuable user perspective Huon has been a prolific contributor to the project since last summer. His work includes 10 PRs already, including multiple Rust patches; as well as being a source of thoughtful feedback, proofs of concept, and use cases. Huon is also a former member of Rust core team. Welcome to the core maintainers group, Huon and Jacob!
👖 10
🙌 7
🎉 14
❤️ 6