```[illuminati hammerpants]$ gcc -o ng ng.c [illum...
# general
Copy code
[illuminati hammerpants]$ gcc -o ng ng.c
[illuminati hammerpants]$ file ng
ng: Mach-O 64-bit executable x86_64
[illuminati hammerpants]$ ln -s ./ng pants
[illuminati hammerpants]$ NAILGUN_PORT=`cat ~/dev/pants/.pids/pantsd/socket_pailgun` ./pants help
[connected to pantsd]
Pants 0.0.46 <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pantsbuild.pants/0.0.46>

  ./pants [option ...] [goal ...] [target...]  Attempt the specified goals.
  ./pants help                                 Get help.
  ./pants help [goal]                          Get help for a goal.
  ./pants help-advanced [goal]                 Get help for a goal's advanced options.
  ./pants help-all                             Get help for all goals.
  ./pants goals                                List all installed goals.

  [target] accepts two special forms:
    dir:  to include all targets in the specified directory.
    dir:: to include all targets found recursively under the directory.

Friendly docs:

Global options:

-l=<str>, --level=<str> (default: info)
    Set the logging level.
-q, --[no-]quiet (default: False)
    Squelches all console output apart from errors.
--[no-]colors (default: True)
    Set whether log messages are displayed in color.
-V=<str>, --pants-version=<str>, --version=<str> (default: 0.0.46)
    Prints pants' version number and exits.
--target-spec-file="['str1','str2',...]" (--target-spec-file="['str1','str2',...]") ... (default: [])
    Read additional specs from this file, one per line
-x, --[no-]time (default: False)
    Output a timing report at the end of the run.
-e, --[no-]explain (default: False)
    Explain the execution of goals.
--tag=[+-]tag1,tag2,... (--tag=[+-]tag1,tag2,...) ... (default: [])
    Include only targets with these tags (optional '+' prefix) or without these
    tags ('-' prefix).  Useful with ::, to find subsets of targets (e.g.,
    integration tests.)
[illuminati hammerpants]$ NAILGUN_PORT=`cat ~/dev/pants/.pids/pantsd/socket_pailgun` ./pants list ::
[connected to pantsd]