```19:28:41 00:00 [main] See a repo...
# general
Copy code
19:28:41 00:00 [main]
               See a report at: <http://localhost:59699/run/pants_run_2015_10_16_19_28_41_879_c545847a6b12464eab599798c226bee6>
19:28:41 00:00   [bootstrap]
19:28:41 00:00   [setup]
19:28:41 00:00     [parse]
               Executing tasks in goals: bootstrap -> imports -> unpack-jars -> deferred-sources -> jvm-platform-validate -> gen -> resolve -> resources -> compile -> repl
19:28:42 00:01   [bootstrap]
19:28:42 00:01     [bootstrap-jvm-tools]
19:28:42 00:01   [imports]
19:28:42 00:01     [ivy-imports]
19:28:42 00:01   [unpack-jars]
19:28:42 00:01     [unpack-jars]
19:28:42 00:01   [deferred-sources]
19:28:42 00:01     [deferred-sources]
19:28:42 00:01   [jvm-platform-validate]
19:28:42 00:01     [jvm-platform-validate]
19:28:42 00:01   [gen]
19:28:42 00:01     [thrift]
19:28:42 00:01     [protoc]
19:28:42 00:01     [antlr]
19:28:42 00:01     [ragel]
19:28:42 00:01     [jaxb]
19:28:42 00:01     [wire]
19:28:42 00:01   [resolve]
19:28:42 00:01     [npm]
                   Invalidated 12 <http://targets.INFO|targets.INFO>] Attempting to fetch node.tar.gz binary from: <https://dl.bintray.com/pantsbuild/bin/build-support/bin/node/mac/10.10/v4.0.0/node.tar.gz> ...
INFO] Fetched node.tar.gz binary from: <https://dl.bintray.com/pantsbuild/bin/build-support/bin/node/mac/10.10/v4.0.0/node.tar.gz> .
19:33:17 04:36     [ivy]
19:33:17 04:36   [resources]
19:33:17 04:36     [prepare]
19:33:17 04:36     [services]
19:33:17 04:36   [compile]
19:33:17 04:36     [compile]
19:33:17 04:36     [jvm]
19:33:17 04:36       [jvm-compilers]
19:33:17 04:36         [apt-pre]
19:33:17 04:36         [java-pre]
19:33:17 04:36         [zinc-pre]
19:33:17 04:36         [apt-post]
19:33:17 04:36         [java-post]
19:33:17 04:36         [zinc-post]
19:33:17 04:36     [jvm-dep-check]
19:33:17 04:36     [python-eval]
19:33:17 04:36     [checkstyle]
19:33:17 04:36     [scalastyle]
19:33:17 04:36     [pythonstyle]
19:33:17 04:36   [repl]
19:33:17 04:36     [node]
19:33:17 04:36       [repl]

    throw err;

Error: Cannot find module 'typ'
    at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:336:15)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:286:25)
    at Module.require (module.js:365:17)
    at require (module.js:384:17)
    at [stdin]:1:11
    at Object.exports.runInThisContext (vm.js:54:17)
    at Object.<anonymous> ([stdin]-wrapper:6:22)
    at Module._compile (module.js:434:26)
    at node.js:566:27
    at doNTCallback0 (node.js:407:9)
stty: stdin isn't a terminal

19:33:17 04:36     [py]
19:33:17 04:36     [scala]
               Waiting for background workers to finish.
19:33:18 04:37   [complete]