Reading this with you: ``` $ ./pants help-advanced...
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$ ./pants help-advanced source

source recursive options:
--source-l=<str>, --source-level=<str> (default: info)
    Set the logging level.
--[no-]source-colors (default: True)
    Set whether log messages are displayed in color.

source advanced options:
--source-exclude-target-regexp=<regexp> (--source-exclude-target-regexp=<regexp>) ... (default: [])
    Exclude targets that match these regexes. Useful with ::, to ignore broken
    BUILD files.
--source-cache-key-gen-version=<str> (default: 200)
    The cache key generation. Bump this to invalidate every artifact for a
--source-max-subprocess-args=<int> (default: 100)
    Used to limit the number of arguments passed to some subprocesses by
    breaking the command up into multiple invocations
--source-lang-canonicalizations=<map> (default: { 'py':'(u'python',)','protobuf':'(u'proto',)','jvm':'(u'java', u'scala')' })
    Map of language aliases to their canonical names.
--source-source-root-patterns=<list> (default: ['3rdparty/*','src/*','src/main/*'])
    A list of source root patterns. Use a "*" wildcard path segment to match the
    language name, which will be canonicalized.
--source-test-root-patterns=<list> (default: ['src/test/*','tests/*','test/*'])
    A list of source root patterns. Use a "*" wildcard path segment to match the
    language name, which will be canonicalized.
--source-source-roots=<map> (default: { '3rdparty/go':'[u'go_remote']' })
    A map of source roots to list of languages.  Useful when you want to
    enumerate fixed source roots explicitly, instead of relying on patterns.
--source-test-roots=<map> (default: {  })
    A map of test roots to list of languages.  Useful when you want to enumerate
    fixed test roots explicitly, instead of relying on patterns.