Running `./pants filter 3rdparty::` blows up with ...
# general
./pants filter 3rdparty::
blows up with a super helpful error message:
Copy code
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/gmalmquist/Src/Pants/src/python/pants/build_graph/", line 278, in _scan_spec
  File "/Users/gmalmquist/Src/Pants/src/python/pants/build_graph/", line 161, in addresses_in_spec_path
    return self._address_map_from_spec_path(spec_path).keys()
  File "/Users/gmalmquist/Src/Pants/src/python/pants/build_graph/", line 153, in _address_map_from_spec_path
    .format(message=e, spec_path=spec_path))
AddressLookupError: string indices must be integers, not str
 while executing BUILD file BuildFile(3rdparty/BUILD.gen, FileSystemProjectTree(/Users/gmalmquist/Development/java))
 Loading addresses from '3rdparty' failed.

Exception message: string indices must be integers, not str
 while executing BUILD file BuildFile(3rdparty/BUILD.gen, FileSystemProjectTree(/Users/gmalmquist/Development/java))
 Loading addresses from '3rdparty' failed.
Invalid BUILD files for [3rdparty::]

(Having trouble with Pants and think you've found a bug?  Let us know with ./pants bug-report)