Hi everyone! We are using pants in our project and...
# general
Hi everyone! We are using pants in our project and faced some really weird issue that we can't resolve. The pants version that we are using is 1.2.0 and everything used to work ok. But today when I tried to checkout project from scratch and run pants there - the following happened:
Copy code
**** Failed to install cryptography-2.1 (caused by: NonZeroExit("received exit code 1 during execution of `['/Users/kirach/.cache/pants/setup/bootstrap-Darwin-x86_64/pants.C0R0Ok/install/bin/python2.7', '-', 'bdist_egg', '--dist-dir=/var/folders/bz/cggbqdrn4wd8n6l310rzlg4c0000gn/T/tmpVBwZdC']`",)
cffi.api.CDefError: cannot parse "typedef int __dotdotdot__  time_t;"
:24:28: before: time_t

Exception message: Package SourcePackage(u'file:///Users/kirach/.cache/pants/plugins/cryptography-2.1.tar.gz') is not translateable by ChainedTranslator(EggTranslator, SourceTranslator)