Hello :slightly_smiling_face: can some please expl...
# general
Hello 🙂 can some please explain to me how pants resolves the requirements? I have a `python_binary`target that has local dependencies that are compiled before the `pyprep`goal. But when I execute the created PEX, it does not include the compiled local dependencies
There are two parts to requirement resolution depending on the flavor of requirement and it sounds like you have the first part set up. Firstly, a target must have a BUILD dependency on its requirements, whether they be local (say a
BUILD target) or third party. Secondly, in the third party case, the dependency is on a
or requirements.txt file via
. I'll stop there to find out more about your dependency setup.
I guess I can help things along more. You say:
target that has local dependencies that are compiled ...
What do you mean by "compiled" - what types of targets are these?
in my `python_binary`target, I have defined a local dependency. However the modules for that package are created during a task before the `pyprep`goal. And when the binary is created, the modules are not found
So basically my local package looks like this:
Copy code
a.py and b.py are created during a task
Aha. There is a fair bit of work to get generated code seen by Pants in general still. We have that wrapped up in a base class here: https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/blob/aeb800d621881164a3973e393f86a843aa5254af/src/python/pants/task/simple_codegen_task.py#L30-L31 Do you happen to know if your task uses this base class? It doesn't absolutely have to, but if it does not, it needs to be calling `self.context.add_new_target`: https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/blob/master/src/python/pants/task/simple_codegen_task.py#L349 and `self.context.build_graph.inject_dependency`: https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/blob/master/src/python/pants/task/simple_codegen_task.py#L364
The 1st call to create a "synthetic" target to own the generated source files, the 2nd to link the new target as a dependency.
but that does not allow me to add an existing target, right? Is there a way to overwrite it?
It does. The general scheme is as follows: Given: targetA depends on targetB:
targetA -> targetB
targetB has python code generated from the files it owns. Then: The code generating task: 1. generates py files from targetB 2. creates a "synthetic" target targetBprime whose sources are the generate files from step 1 3. adds a dependency on targetBprime to targetA
👖 1
The SimpleCodeGen Task baseclass I referenced takes care of most of these mechanics, letting your task pretty much just generate code
So, in the end you get:
targetA -> [targetB, targetBprime]
Does that make some sense?
Ah I see 💡 Thank you very much! 😊