any guide on code coverage generation in pants?
# general
any guide on code coverage generation in pants?
cc @cuddly-architect-27013
hmmm, no i never wrote a guide for it 😕
what lang are you running coverage for?
my coworker was trying to get it to work for python. apparently the pytest build file has a coverage directive?
well, tbh i haven’t done much with python coverage. I did write some internal instructions for it’s usage during ‘./pants test’ execution, and I’ll paste the important parts here for you, maybe it’ll be helpful
here are the two important arguments to include:
Screen Shot 2018-11-20 at 9.11.04 AM.png
and this is an example of usage
Screen Shot 2018-11-20 at 9.12.43 AM.png
the html reports for python coverage work similar to coverage reports for any other language, so once a dev has generated reports and opened them things should hopefully be straight forward from there
i should probably look into migrating those docs into the oss pants doc tree
anyway, that’s all i got, hope it helps
great, thanks! it's a little sad when you try to generate it and it doesn't do what you hope 😛