can somebody help me with PR: <
# general
can somebody help me with PR: ? I am trying to provide a gRPC support for pyhon code generation, but probably i’ve missed some place, where I should register new backend code?
Hello! was the most recent PR to add a new contrib package
Take a look at the pants.ini changes in that PR 🙂
Hello! 🙂 Thank you for that 🙂 what I already discovered is, that i missed to add dependencies in BUILD file - I’m fixing that right now. According new contrib package - i’m not using any new native library - i’m creating a pex file and executing python command - so I assume that there is no need for new contrib?
aha, this is just a backend package? Yeah, hopefully fixing up your dependencies should make everything work then 🙂
@average-vr-56795 can you have a look on that PR when you’ll have some time? i fixed all dependencies and some formatting issues, but still those internal check are not passing. Few of them are failing with strange message, that there wan no output in 10 mins - is it really possible, that adding a new plugin last so much time? (
I'll take a look later today :) thanks!
Hi again. Is there anyone, who can help me with this PR: ? Still, I canno’t pass checks - the most recent error is about
package translation:
Copy code
E   	    raise Untranslateable('Package %s is not translateable by %s' % (package, translator))
                     E   	Exception message: Package SourcePackage(u'file:///Users/marcinpodolski/.cache/pants/python_cache/requirements/CPython-2.7.10/grpcio-1.17.1.tar.gz') is not translateable by ChainedTranslator(WheelTranslator, EggTranslator, SourceTranslator)
i’ve had this happen before and go away on my linux machine but i don’t remember what caused it. have you tried clearing that package from the cache directory by `rm`ing the file?
but this happens only during some specific test cases. 15/19 checks are green. and there is 3 with this error… i don’t think that removing some packages can help here…
did you try it though? because it takes a very short period of time to try that fix, and because that error occurs when a package is corrupted, and it would be only the specific checks which use that package which are broken, unless i’m missing something. there’s a pex issue that i think might be but might not be related at
responded on the ticket: although it may not directly resolve the issue, you should switch to using
to bootstrap the
☝️ 1
Thank you both for your answers 👍 When I was writing this plugin, there was no
available yet 🙂 But I was aware, that in the meanwhile this new lib appears, so i will try to rewrite my code to that.
👌 1