What's the current status of Python 3.6 support?
# general
What's the current status of Python 3.6 support?
Hello! We have supported for a long time running your code with Python 3. What we’ve been working on the past six months over at #python3 is Pants itself running using Python 3, rather than the current requirement for Python 2. For most users, this won’t make much of a difference to them - the only difference is that you’ll need a python 3 interpreter discoverable on your PATH rather than python 2. We will continue supporting your own code being either python 2 or python 3 (or both) for many years to come Were you asking about your own code using python 3.6 or about our internal migration?
Thanks for responding to me. No, I meant pants runtime itself.
Do we have a weekly meeting for pants support?
The folks at kubernetes have something called SIGs. Special Interest Group. That group do a bi-weekly meeting to talk about improvements of the project.
Twitter has a couple folks on a team dedicated to Pants (cc @witty-crayon-22786), primarily for work on the Rust v2 engine. They have normal stand up and retro meetings. I don’t know of us having any general weekly meetings beyond what they do. — For the pants runtime using python 3, we are finishing up the last couple tasks, primarily changing our release processes to release a Py3 wheel and changing the script we use to distribute pants to allow people to use either Py2 or Py3. Let me know if you’d be interested in working on any of the remaining tasks and I can help get you set up! No worries if you don’t have time